Ch. 17

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@Manoban's mansion

Lisa is off lately thinking about what she heard from Chaeng and Seulgi. Yes she made a mistake that hurt them really hard, but that's not her intention. She's hurt too because they doesn't want to hear her side.

"Babe, you've been kinda off lately" Irene said sadly "I know you're still thinking about your friends, but priya we're here. We won't leave you" Lisa hugged her and kissed the to of her head.

Irene is really sweet and caring, that's part of the reason why she fell in love with her. She always checking on Lisa if she's okay, if she eat on time, if she need something back in US. But she's still the Irene she met in US. Caring and sweet.

"Thank you Hyun, for not leaving my side, for staying through thick and thin, for loving me for who I am. Thank you Hyun" She sincerely said

"Priya, you know you don't have to thank me. It's my job. And we are doing our job because remember our motto?" Lisa smiled when Irene said that

"Whatever happens, we'll stick together" They both said and laughed

"Hyun, promise me...Whatever happens we will stick together, we won't turn on each other" Irene heart melts on what Lisa said. Now she's sure that Lisa really owns her heart

"As a promise, Priya we will stick together. Through thick and thin. I know it's just the beginning and many things might happen, but I'll stay with you no matter what" She sincerely said

"I love you Hyun, so much" She kissed her forehead again while Irene is hugging her. They are laying on the couch

"I love you too Priya"

"I appreciate it more when you call by my name Hyun, it's like a music in my ears that I always want to hear all my life" Irene buried her face on Lisa's neck

"Then I will always call you by your name Priya" She sweetly said as she kissed Lisa's neck

@Hide out

"So Lisa is alive?" Their eyes widened

"Jennie" They all said

"Am I still part of the friendship or what?" She asked in teary eyes "Tell me, is she alive?!"


"Stop calling my name! Just tell me if I heard it clearly that she's alive!"

"She is j..." Before Chaeng can even say her name Jennie slapped her

"Then whey you didn't tell me?!You...know how I suffered from her! You hurt I am! were there Chaeng! You were there...You saw me how broke I am crying all over her! Dying to see hug kiss touch her...You saw me fucking cry all day and night! Then I heard something like this?!" She cries

"Since when?!" She slapped the table. They flinch


"A week ago" Chaeng is the only one who answered. They hate to see Jennie like this

"And you didn't tell me?! Chaeyoung if I didn't heard you, when are you going to tell me?! Till the day I die?! Well do I really need to die?! Because I'm already dead inside!" She pointed her chest. Chaeng hugged her but Jennie pulled away and slightly pushed her

"No please don't touch me"

"I'm so tired...Do you hear me Chaeng? I'm...I'm so fucking tired" Chaeng didn't say a word she just watch Jennie breaking down as she cry also

"How...could you hide this things from me?! Do you really want to kill me missing her?! You know how much I tried to forget her and be with Kai even if I don't want to! Even if...I'm still into Lisa" She covered her face

"Where is she?!" They are all look at each other. They jumped when Jennie slapped the table so hard


"Jennie you can't go there" Seulgi flatly said

"Are you kidding me?!"

"I wish I am" She sadly said

"Then tell me!" Chaeng shook her head telling Seulgi not to tell her

"She deserves to know"

"To know what?!" They looked at each other. They don't want to hurt Jennie, she've been through a lot but as Seulgi said she deserves to know


"Lisa and Irene are in a relationship"

Sister's girlfriend (Book II) Jenlisa x LisreneWhere stories live. Discover now