Ch. 36

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Lisa fixing herself, because today this is the one of the best day ever. And the best decision that she will ever make.

"Are you ready?" Chaeng asked

"It's not I'm going to marry her already, but yeah...I am" Chaeng hit her slightly

"Stop being sassy for once Lisa-ya" Lisa just chuckled

"Chaeng, now I'm really sure with my decision. I won't turn back this time. I won't go anywhere and leave her"

"Thanks to Tae for helping you to find yourself and realized who you really love. I know Lisa these past few years have been hard for you, you lost Jisoo, you lost your memories, you lost Jennie and Joohyun. Now it's time for you to live your life peacefully. I'm proud of you because you didn't gave up Lisa, coz if I were you I think when Jisoo died, I might end my life also but look at you, you're still here. Breathing, smiling, stronger than before" She said emotionally

"Chimpunk don't cry okay? You know you've been part of my journey. You're one of those people who stayed with me through ups and downs. So thank you, thank you for being there for me" Lisa hugged her "I don't want to cry, I'm saving this for later. Yes or no, I think I'll cry" She joked

"Yah!" Chaeng laughed "But seriously I don't believe she will say no. She's been waiting for you Limario. Now, let's go down and your princess is probably waiting"

Lisa set up to the rooftop where she always cry before, drinking, smoking, singing, and everything.

Lisa saw the girl standing at the middle of the heart

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Lisa saw the girl standing at the middle of the heart. Tae put a blind fold on her.

"Remember this place my love?" The moment Lisa spoke the girl opened her mouth as she covered it. Lisa chuckled.

"You always going up here to check me up if I'm okay, even though I keep on pushing you away you never leave my side. Remember when I told you to leave me but instead of leaving me you hugged me because you know how hurt I was. This place become my favorite place, my sanctuary, but I realized that it became my because of you. Because you always visit me here, you always stay here with me"

"Can you take off your blind fold my princess?" Lisa asked. The girl did as Lisa saw her with teary eyes. The girl immediately hugged her tight. She chuckled and pulled away. "Princess as much as I want to hug you, but let me finish first" Lisa winks. The girl standing infront of her didn't say anything

"My love, sorry if it took 11 years for me to realized that I love you. We've known each other, since the first day Jisoo and I interacted. I'm sorry for not realizing it. I'm sorry if I kept you waiting for this long. I'm sorry for always breaking your heart, I'm sorry for all the heartbreaks I've caused"

"I want to make it all right. I want to make you feel how much I love you. This time, I want to be the one who'll protect you, who will be there for you through ups and downs. I want to be your shoulder to cry on, I want to wake up every morning hugging you, I want to start my day being with you, I want to make you the happiest girl in this entire universe. I want to cook for you every morning, I want to smell you, I want to do ieverything with you...but if you only allow



I would like to thank you for supporting my stories. I appreciate you guys so much. Sorry if I made a very terrible ending Lol. sorry for ending it here because I'm currently doing my next update on I GOT YOU (Jenlisa x Lisrene) Thank you guys so much.

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