Ch. 33

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"When we get back to Seoul what's your plan twin?" He asked packing his back. While Lisa is just playing NBA to her PS4.

"I'll win her back" She glance for a second to Tae and turned back her head to the screen

"Who?" He asked but he already knows since Lisa is always mentioning her name while she's sleeping.

"It's staring with the letter J" She smirked. Tae throw a shirt on her face "Yah! I'm playing" She throw it back. Tae chuckled

"Silly! They are both starts with the letter J" Lisa paused her game and turned to Tae

"How about you? Which do you prefer, I mean you want for me? Joohyun or Jennie?"

"Lis, of course the one who can makes you happy. So whoever you're going choose, I'll respect your decision. You're a big girl now you, know who you really want and you'll pick the best one for you. I know you'll choose the right one" He said "Why are you sad?"

"Because I feel like they are just a toy that you have to pick one because you parent doesn't want you to choose them both" Tae chuckled

"Do you see them like that?"

"No! Of course not"

"Then stop thinking that way. I know the other one will understand if she really loves you. And she will let you go Lis if she isn't the one you love. I'm telling you if she really loves you she will understand you. So you don't have to feel bad, it's your feelings not them. We can't control you heart, not even you" Lisa didn't say anything about it

"But you know, if I have two heart I will pick them both. Because they're too precious to let go. But you know things happened for a reason. and I only have to choose one"

"Why it's feel like you love them both?"

"No, I don't. I just feel bad for not choosing the other one because she did everything for me and still...ends up like this. I really love the other one because you know, she stayed through ups and downs. Well they both did, but I think I find my home with her that I couldn't find to anyone"

"I get it. But you know, you will hurt her like what you did when we left. Waiting for another year for you is not a joke, and they both messaging you everyday oh my God. If I'm on there position I better move on than wait for something that I am not sure with. But again we can't blame love, if they can't move on from you. Lis I'm telling you, you're lucky to have them both. But you know..." Lisa cut him off

"I know, they are not lucky to have me because I kept on hurting them. If I can only do something, I will. I don't want to hurt them Tae, but I already did. I want them to be happy, it's okay if they move on from me it's okay if the one I love doesn't love me anymore. I completely understand because I deserved it. But what I am doing with them these past few years, they don't. They don't deserve any bit of it" Lisa paused "And stop being a traitor. Earlier you don't want me to feel bad now I'm getting sick of your words" She said rolling her eyes.

"I'm just telling the truth" He mocks. "Yes you're hurting them, but again. It's unintentional Lis"

Sister's girlfriend (Book II) Jenlisa x LisreneWhere stories live. Discover now