Ch. 14

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Tae put down his glass of liquor. He knows Seulgi saw the baggage of Irene and this moment they all fucked up. He have no idea what to say

"Taeyung, I will ask you again...what is this?" She gritted her teeth

"B...baggage" He startle AGAIN. Seulgi massage her temple

"I know! But why the fuck is Irene's bag is here?!" She shouted

"Seulgi calm down" Bambam pulled her away from Tae

"She took some drugs again" Yeri said shaking her head

"What is that babe?" Kook asked gently

Before Tae can even answer

"Oh my Ghost!" Joy eyes widened as she saw whose walking down to the stairs. They all look at the person and they are all shock even Tae, he shook his head telling her that she doesn't have to go down. But Lisa just give him a small smile

"Am I dreaming?" Chaeng couldn't believe what she sees, all of them.

"You're not" Lisa answered. They are all dumbfounded. When Chaeng recovers she faced Tae

"She's alive and you didn't tell me?!" She slightly pushed her.

"It's not my place to tell" He lowered his head

"But I'm her bestfriend and am I still your friend?" She wanted to hug Lisa but her emotions ate her and want to slap V for keeping this from them.

"Of course but like I've said it's not my place to tell you guys. As much as I want, I can't" He explained.

"So all this time you knew?" Chaeng asked.

"Yes" He lied.

"Fuck yourself!" Chaeng pushed her

"He knew 4 months ago, but he didn't knew the entire time" Lisa explained

"But still!"

"We've been crying and suffering for nothing?!" Seulgi shouted and punch. Lisa knows, Seulgi saw Irene's bag. That's why she's sulking.

"You don't know how we been through than you went back like nothing happened?! FUCK YOU!" She punch her again. Tae helped her sister and bambam

"Warm welcome" Lisa whispered to herself.

"Seulgi stop! You know nothing!" She pushed her.

"I know nothing?! Yeah I know nothing because you kept a secret from us!"

"That's the point! You don't know anything then you attacked her?" There eyes are all on


Sister's girlfriend (Book II) Jenlisa x LisreneWhere stories live. Discover now