Chapter One

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(A/N: Hello beautiful people! Yes, indeed, I am starting yet ANOTHER fan fic! This is for my girl Melinda, who waited so very patiently to have a fan fic about her and Mikey! Bahaha. I really hope you guys enjoy this story. Smooches to all of you! Oh, and I realize Ohio is on the 2013 tour but I'm gonna pretend it was on the 2012 tour. Ktb. Bahaha.)

(Melinda's POV)

"Mom! Come on, we need to get going!" I yelled from the living room. "I'm coming! Chill out!" My mom yelled from the upstairs bathroom. Chill out? She expects me to chill out when I'm meeting my future husband today?! THERE IS NO "CHILLING OUT" WHEN MEETING MIKEY FUSCO. My mom slowly came down the stairs, her one duffle bag slung over her shoulder. "Okay, okay, I'm here. Are you ready?" She asked, running her hands together. I rolled my eyes, and nodded. "Now let's go!" I took her hand in mine and dragged her out to the car. She put her bag in the trunk with my two bags, and we piled into the car. "Do you have everything?" She asked. "Yes, now drive!" I said excitedly. She pressed down on the gas, and we were off. I was so excited, I was finally meeting my baby. I had met Vinny, but this was defentiely a bigger deal to me... No offence to my baby Vinny. I looked out the window, and smiled. The April weather in Detroit was usually all cloudy and icky, but for the next week, it's going to be nice and sunny.... But I'll be in Ohio for most of it. But, thankfully, it will be bright and sunny there too... It's like everything is working out for me. I smiled, and looked down at my phone, to see a new text from my best friend Gabi... Who lived in Maryland. Yes, I realize we live not even remotely close to each other... But being an ICONiac brings you together with people you never would have met otherwise:

Melinda. You are meeting Mikey within twenty-four hours... EEEP. Do me a favor and don't die okai? And, if you get a chance ask him to ask Vin about Ginny (; 

I laughed, I knew she'd mention something about that. I quickly texted her back, my palms getting sweaty. My stomach filled with butterflies at the thought of Mikey actually liking me... Could that happen? Of course it could... Anything is possible. I mean, he tweeted me, and I was convinced he'd never notice me... So, yeah, anything is possible. I smiled, and looked back out the window. Ohio, here I come.... 

(A/N: So I realize this is short and ewh but I promise it will get better as I go along. Eeep! Hope you guys liked this so far... Oh, and go read Melinda's new story "A Letter For Vinny".... It's absolutely amazing! Smooches guise <3) 

Let Me Love You (A Melkey Fan Fic) *Completed*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora