Chapter Thirty-Five

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(Vinny's POV)

Me and Melinda walked down the crowded sidewalks looking for a good place to eat. I held her hand so she wouldn't get lost, she's so little and that would totally happen. "So, where to Mr. Castronovo? You seem to know this place a lot better than I do." She laughed. "Well, I was thinking John's pizza, if that's okay." I smiled. "Anything is cool with me, as long as you pay." She smiled. I laughed, and side hugged her, immediately grabbing for her hand again. Finally, we got there, and ordered our food, then sat at a table. "So.." she sighed, looking up at me. "I can't believe they did that to us..." "Neither can I.... Something's fishy about it though..." i sighed, running my hand through my hair. "what do you mean?" She asked. "They didn't seem to actually want each other... It looked like the kiss was pretend... Or set up, if that makes sense..." I said. "Well, whether it was pretend, set up, or anything else, it still happened. And I hate them for it." Melinda declared. Our pizza arrived, and we ate in silence. I stared out the window, contemplating the possibilities. Something is seriously sketchy here...

(Gabrielle's POV)

i looked across the street, and was shocked to see two familiar faces. Montana and Nicolette. My hatred built up in me, and before I could even think, I ran across the street and into the store, ramming straight into Nicolette. "Watch where you're going you li- Oh, well, look what the cat dragged in..." She smirked. "You're a bitch you know that right?" I growled. "Oh, is somebody mad because Vinny broke up with her?" Nicolette laughed. Hatred bubbled inside of me.. This bitch. "You know what's sad? You had to get your little brother to break up me and Vinny to get him to go out with you." I said. "You lit-" She reached out to hit me, but I grabbed her wrist. "Listen, and listen good. I'll get Vinny back if it's the last thing I do. Because guess what? I know deep down he loves me. Oh, and when he finds out you and your filthy little sidekick were behind all this, he's never going to talk to you again. So, enjoy the attention you get from him now. You'll never get it again." I turned on my heel, and walked out, taking Mikey with me. "Damn Gab." He laughed. I smirked, and looked at him. "You want Melinda back right?" "Of course..." He said. "Well, I want Vinny back, and frankly there's only one way that's going to happen." I said. "And that is..." "We have to tell them the truth." I said. Mikey nodded, and I smiled. Things will be better soon... 

Let Me Love You (A Melkey Fan Fic) *Completed*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora