Chapter Eight

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(Melinda's POV ; Saturday morning)

I woke up in an unfamiliar bed. My heart started to race, but then I realized I was in my hotel room. Wow, I'm a real dumbass. I got up, and threw on some sweats and a black v-neck, and tied my hair into a messy bun. I slid into my black vans, and put on my aviators. "Mother, I'm ready to go." I called, texting Gab from my phone:

Gabbers! I'm getting ready for my first photoshoot in NYC... EEEEP. Wish me luck!! I'll tell you how it goes afterwards. Ly!

I smiled and pressed send, only to see my mother come out in skinny jeans, black pumps, a white v-neck, and a leather jacket. "Mom, really?" I cracked up. She always over did everything. "Yes, really. I've gotta dress to impress I wish you lived by the same rule baby... What are you wearing?" She laughed, pulling at my shirt and sweats. "Mom, I'm gonna get my hair and make up done there, plus I'll be modeling clothes. So why dress cute when I'm not even going to be in this outfit all day?" I asked, sliding my aviators higher on the bridge of my nose. "You have a point..." She sighed, and we walked out and into the elevator. When we got down to the lobby, we were greeted by Jenni, who escorted us to our car that would be driving us around the city. I excitedly got in, and Jenni explained what would be happening from here on out. One weekend every month I'd have to come out to NYC for a photoshoot for this company. I was now officially one of their models. My stomach turned with excitement... I felt so important. We finally came to this giant building, it was so tall, but it was absolutely beautiful. We walked in, and were greeted by people asking us if we'd like a drink or anything. I happily asked for a strawberry smoothie, and we entered the elevator. As I waited to get to the twentieth floor, Gab texted back:

Luck babes! Ik you'll do great... Work it! Bahaha. Ly2! 

I laughed, she's sucha weirdo. We finally reached the floor we were looking for. The doors opened, revealing a chaotic shoot, make up artists were everywhere, and the camera was flashing. Music was blaring, and the photographer was shouting directions at a girl. I walked in, and nerves crept through my body... I was already overwhelemed. A man qith long black hair tied back in a ponytail approached me, placing kisses on my cheeks. "You must be Melinda! Oh it's so nice to meet you darling. I'm Sutan, your make up artist, slash best friend. I'm so excited to get to work with you. Let's get you in the chair!" He shooed me the opposite direction, and I was seated in a red chair with my name in gold glitter along the back. He removed my hair from the bun, and ran his fingers through it, and then began to call his assistant's name for help. I smiled, this was defentiely going to be amazing... 

Let Me Love You (A Melkey Fan Fic) *Completed*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora