Chapter Seventeen

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(Melinda's POV)

I hopped up and down in my seat as we got closer and closer to Maryland. I was finally going to get to meet my girlie! Mikey laughed at me, and I stopped moving and blushed. "Shush." "You're so cute. I swear." He laughed, revealing that smile that stopped my heart. My face burned from blushing and I smiled and looked down at my phone that was now vibrating. One new text from unknown:

Hiya Mel :D

Who the fuck is this? Mikey laughed and leaned over my phone. "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, I gave Vincent your phone number and told him to text you about Gab." I held my heart, and slapped the side of his head. "I almost died Michael. I thought some pedo got my number and was gonna ask me to sext him." Mikey looked at me and broke into laughter, pulling me closer to him in a hug. My stomach turned and I blushed even more... Being in his arms was amazing. I hugged him back and then moved away from him, and answered Vinny back. We ended up getting into a deep conversation about Gabi and how she was in love with him and what not, and before I knew it, we pulled into Gab's driveway. "Oh snap!" I laughed, and hopped out of the car. I ran to the door, and pounded on it. Gab opened the door, looking down at her phone. "Excuse mee?" I laughed. She looked up and almost dropped her phone. "MELINDAHH!" She unlocked the door and tackled me into a hug, making me crack up. She sounded like a white girl. "Hi babes!" I laughed. "Oh my God. You're here! Wait, why? Wait, that was rude, but forreal, why?" She laughed. "Wellll, me and some very special guests are here to take you to Jersey..." I smirked. "Special guests? The fuck are you talking about Mel?" Gab laughed. Mikey walked out from the car. "Well, meee." "Oh. My. God." Gab said. I laughed, and pushed them towards each other, making them hug. "Oh my God hi." Gab choked out. "Hi! Are you ready to head to New Jersey? And to meet Vinehhh?" He asked, winking. "Oh my God..... Ginny doe!" Gab laughed, and hugged me. "Okay let me go pack and I'll be down. BRB!" Gab ran downstairs, and five minutes later she came down with a giraffe print duffle bag. Mikey took it and put it with mine, and then we all got in the car, me in the middle. I laughed. "Have you been texting Vin?" "Um... No..." Gab blushed. "WHAT? Why not?" I yelled. "I'm scared he'll think I'm a creep...." Gab whimpered. I groaned. "He won't text him right now." "Okayy..." Her fingers moved across her keyboard, and then she pressed the send button. I smiled, Jersey here we come... 

Let Me Love You (A Melkey Fan Fic) *Completed*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora