Chapter Ten

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(Mikey's POV)

Oh damn... She's actually here? This is actually happening? I secretly pinched my wrist, and the pain caused me to drop my coffee all over me. Welp, that proves I'm not dreaming. "Shit..." I murmured, and grabbed napkins, trying to get the stain out, but I had no luck. I sighed, and slid off my black SWAG shirt, leaving me shirtless. I felt Melinda's stare and smirked... She likes what she sees. Suddenly, Angelica burst through the door, and gasped at the sight of me. "SPIKAEL. COVER UP YOU LITTLE MANWHORE." She threw her jacket at me. "Ang, this won't help any. Besides, I just have to wait for my shirt to get dry. They're washing it downstairs. I spilt coffee on it by accident." I laughed, and hugged her. "Oh, okay, I thought you were showing your goods for the new girl... Speaking of her, where is she?" Ang asked, looking around the room. "I'm right here. Hi, I'm Melinda." She laughed, and came up to us. "Hi Melinda... I'm Ang." She smiled. "I know who you are... I love you and your little brother..." Melinda laughed. "Oh, so we've got an ICONiac on our hands?" Ang asked, her eyebrows arching up. "Yesiree." Melinda smiled produly. I laughed, she's secute. "So... who's your favoruite boy?" Ang asked. "Um..." Melinda'scheeks turned bright red, but she smriked at me. "Defneitley Mikey..." "AWEEEE." I cooed, and enveloped her into a hug. She was obviously embarassed, because it took awhile for her to hug back. "Go ahead Mel, feel dem abs. Rock hard, right?" Ang laughed, making Melinda turn redder. "ANG!" I yelled, turning red myself. "What in the world is going on here?" Nicolette laughed, walking over to our circle. "Mel was feeling Mikey's abs..." Ang laughed, making me and Melinda turn redder. "She was not! Grow up. God." I walked away, and looked down at my phone. They're so annoying...

(Melinda's POV)

Oh my God. His abs... I cannot. My stomach flipped as Nic and Ang giggled. "You're so in love with him..." Nic smiled. "I'm not gonna deny that... I'm an ICONiac so yeah..." I laughed. "We're gonna make that happen." Ang said. "What?" I asked, sipping down the last of my smoothie. "You and Mikey..." Nic said, making me choke on my smoothie. "He doesn't like me guys..." I said, wiping my mouth. "Um, he does. He's my brother, remember? I can tell that little bitch likes you..." Nic said. I sighed, and shrugged, then sat in my chair, texting on my phone. When Nic and Ang went to do their pictures together, Mikey came and sat with me. "Hey..." He said awkwardly. "Hey.." I said, placing my phone to the side. "I'm sorry..." He said. "About?" I asked. "Everything. But most of all for being a jerk at the concert..." He said. I choked up, and froze... He remembered that? "Um, it's fine, I guess?" I said. "Um, no, it wasn't. I hurt your feelings... So I was wondering if we could start over..." Mikey said. "Um, sure..." I laughed. "Great, hi I'm Mikey.." He stuck out his hand. "Melinda.." I smiled, and shook his hand. "So, Melinda, can I have your number?" He asked, handing forward his phone. I quickly entered my number, and smiled. "Thanks." He blushed. I laughed, and felt my stomach turn from happiness. This is the beginning to a very beautiful friendship... 

Let Me Love You (A Melkey Fan Fic) *Completed*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora