Chapter Forty-Nine

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(Melinda's POV ; Two weeks later)

We walked into DC, and sat in the chairs, much like we had two weeks ago. Today they announced the wiiner, which we all knew no matter what was going to be Montana. My heart burned as I contemplated this whole thing, was this worth giving up? Just to be with Mikey? I mentally slapped the fuck out of myself. Of course it was. As Sutan walked in with not Marcela but Mr. Smith, the runned of this whole company, my stomach turned. What would he think if I won and turned down the trip? Would he still let me stay on the team? I hushed my thoughts as he began to talk, oh God. "Hello girls! I have the results to the contest in my hands, and I would just like to say before I make the announcement on who won, that you' re all beautiful, and we based this off of who worked the hardest, and who got the most feedback on the website. With that said, the winner is..." He opened the envelope. and pulled out a slip of paper. "Melinda! Congrats." I smiled, then sighed.  "Thank you Mr. Smith, but I will sadly have to dec-" Marcela cut me off as she ran into the room with yet another huge envelope. "Mr. Smith! I have a donation from an anonymous person, this will pay for two girls to go to Japan!" His face fell in surprise, and he looked at us three. "Melinda, were you declining the offer to go to Japan?" I nodded, and looked down at the floor. Oh no, he's going to fire me. Suddenly, a huge sigh escaped his lips. "This works out perfectly! Nicolette and Montana can go to Japan, and Melinda can stay here and continue modeing for our US Catalogue!" I smiled, and tried to surpress my screams. This is all working out! Now, not only would I get Mikey, but Gab would get Vinny. After Mr. Smith left the room, I ran to Gab, and enveloped her into a bone crushing hug. I quickly texted Mikey and Vinny to get their butts over here. Melkey and Ginny are back bitches...

Let Me Love You (A Melkey Fan Fic) *Completed*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora