Chapter Forty-Four

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(Vinny's POV)

I got home, and fell backwards on to my bed. Boy, was today eventful. The awkwardness when Montana came and started kissing on Mikey almost killed me, I could tell Melinda wanted to claw her eyes out right then and there. But, since she's mature, or so she tries to be, she stayed calm. But, I knew to expect a call from her to hear her rant soon. Speaking of the devil, I laughed, and picked up my phone, that was now blasting the ringtone I had set for her, True Friend by Hannah Montana. That was our jam, don't ask. "Hello?" I said, falling back into my pillow. "This bitch." I could hear the enragement in Melinda's voice, so I shut up, and let her rant. "We need to get her out of the picture. I'm fucking sick of her, and I just want to be with Mikey again." She spat, making a chill go up my spine. Damn, she really is angry. "Melinda, there's honestly nothing we can really do. I wish I could make her go away, but it's not that easy. This is real life. You have to face your problems to get over them." I said, gnawing my bottom lip. She let out a huge sigh, and whimpered. "You're right. But Vin, you don't understand. She's literally rubbing it in my face that she has him, and I don't! What am I supposed to do, just sit here, and pretend it doesn't bug me? Because it fucking does Vinny!" "I know, I know. And trust me Melinda, when the time is right, you guys will be back together, me and Gab will be back together, and everything will be back to normal. But for right now, I need you just to calm yourself, and let fate take control. If it's meant to be, it will be, my dear." I said. She sighed. "Fine, fine. I guess I should let you go now. Thank you, Dr. Castronovo." She laughed. "Anytime dear. Now, goodbye, try not to kill anyone!" I chuckled, and hung up. I closed my eyes, and prayed for Melinda's sake, that fate would bring things back to normal soon.... 

Let Me Love You (A Melkey Fan Fic) *Completed*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora