Chapter 2.

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There I was, standing in the middle of the court with the ENTIRE volleyball team staring at me. A guy with a buzzcut said "Oh, it's just a girl", another said "I told you it wasn't a robber, a really tall one with glasses said "Why would anyone rob a gym?". "I'm sorry for intruding, my name is (y/n), I'm an exchange student and I was sent here by a girl in the girls' volleyball team", "Ah, Michimiya." said the guy I assumed was their captain. I didn't really know what was going on but I knew I needed to get out of there as soon as possible; "Well, I'll be going home now...". And as I left the gym as quickly as possible I bumped into a really tall guy, he didn't seem like he was in highschool, he seemed much older, my face was red with embarrassment and I things could not get more embarrassing than that. He apologized a million times and finally after that I was able to get home. 

That night I couldn't stop thinking about what to do about my club situation, maybe I could've just joined the girls' team even though the only experience I had was what I did in P.E. back home, I couldn't go on practicing when the boys' team didn't. Maybe I could've practiced in a small corner of their gym or something, i decided i was going to ask the captain the next day

---------------------------the next day-----------------------------

Finally today I had my uniform to wear at school and I wouldn't've stood out as much. As soon as I had the chance I gathered up the courage to talk to the team captain. When I asked of I could practice there he said "Yes, but on one condition... You can be manager for our team for a while, you'll get to see our matches and perhaps you'll start to like volleyball" I was sceptical but I accepted. So I found out this person's name: Sawamura Daichi. He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into the gym and said "Everyone say hi to our new temporary manager" and all of them bowed and greeted me, I was extremely embarrassed but I would've had to deal with it if I wanted to play basketball. 

---------------------------after practice--------------------------

Takeda-sensei wasn't the actual coach but he was the one who organized the matches, and it seemed he'd organized a big one. "Gather round everybody; it's short notice but I've organized a practice match with none other than Nekoma for tomorrow", everyone cheered and at the time I didn't understand what the big deal was and the other manager whispered something about Nekoma matches being their ultimate matches. I would soon find out for myself...

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