Chapter 7. (H)

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Me and Kuroo met again that night. The evenings were getting pretty chilly so we brought a blanket. We lay on the bench, his arms around my waist. We talked, well, actually, we gossiped about the other guys on each team and laughed at their embarrassing stories.

KUROO: I'm really glad I met you, (y/n).
Y/N: Me too, Tetsu.

He blushed, enough for me to notice.

Y/N: Oooh~~ Are you blushing?? Hmmm???
KUROO: I am not! S-shut up.

He said, covering his red cheeks and pouting. I smiled and he leaned in to kiss me. The last time we kissed was intense, fiery, full of passion, anger, sadness and forgiveness. This time it was soft, sweet, loving. His hand on my check slowly caressing it with his thumb. Our tongues moved slowly, hugging eachother. I hung onto his bicep, as if it was a reflex to hold onto him, hoping we wouldn't leave.


It was out last night together. The next day we were going back to Karasuno. I started feeling sad, staring into the void while a million thoughts about what would happen to us rushed through my mind.

KUROO: What's wring? Did I do something? I'm so-
Y/N: No, no. I-it's not you...
KUROO: Hey...

He turned my face to look me in the eyes.

KUROO: ... What's going on?
Y/N: T-tom-tomorrow...

I said barely holding back tears.

KUROO: Hey, hey, (y/n), don't cry...
I know it'll be hard but I'm always gonna keep in touch with my girlfriend.
Y/N: G-girlfriend?
KUROO: Well yeah. I'll facetime you everyday.

I buried my face in his chest as he patted my head smiling. Then he made me look at him and gave me a peck on the lips before hugging me again.

The next morning Kuroo and I met after breakfast to exchange numbers so we could talk and to say goodbye to eachother alone before doing it in front of everyone else.

KUROO: I'll miss you...

He smiled.

Y/N: I'll miss you more.
KUROO: Now that, that's just impossible, it's like saying Bokuto doesn't have mood swings.

We both laughed. Then he pulled me close, looked at me as if to admire me one more time, and then kissed. It was amazing, like he was transmitting all his love for me through that kiss.

KUROO: I'll see you later, then.

I did my best to hold back tears as he waved at me from the ground. Nobody knew he was waving to me specifically, just us.

I let it all out as soon as I got home and to my room. My foster mom asked me if I wanted to eat but I wasn't hungry.

Y/N: N-no, I'm fine.

My voice breaking. I cried as quietly as possible not t worry my mom.


My phone buzzed.

From: Tetsu<3
Hey, you better not be crying.

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