Chapter 38.

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(y/n) picked up her bag with one hand as the platform number appeared on the big screen at the train station, the other holding one of her crutches. She could pretty much walk normally again but on bad days she needed at least one to hold herself up without straining her knee. Today was one of her bad days. A woman from the train personnel offered to help her, seeing her situation, and (y/n) gladly accepted the help. She plopped down in her seat, plugged in her headphones and started listening to music, in a second she'd already drifted off to sleep, and she was only woken up to validate her ticket.

About 20 minutes before reaching her destination she woke up, and noticed some texts from Kuroo.

From: Tetsu <3
Omw to the station. U ok?

From: Tetsu <3

From: Tetsu <3
U alive?? Don't miss ur stop

To: Tetsu <3
I'm here, dw I won't miss the stop

From: Tetsu <3
Thank god, I thought you'd gotten kidnapped or something

To: Tetsu <3
I'll be there in 15 min dumbass

From: Tetsu <3
Ok, love u

To: Tetsu <3


(y/n) got off the train, still slightly drowsy from her nap. With her bag on her shoulder she walked toward the exit. Kuroo was waiting outside in his car and as he saw her exiting he got out of his car and walked toward her. As soon as she saw him a smile formed on her face and if she hadn't been in her current situation with her knee, she would have ran to him. They met about half way to the car and Kuroo immediately wrapped her into a tight hug. (y/n) basked in his embrace for a while before they both let go and made their way to the car. As she got in she noticed someone else in the vehicle, it was Bokuto.

Y/N: Oh my god, Bokuto-san, hi!!
BOKUTO: What's up, (y/n), how've you been? How's your knee?
Y/N: I've been better but, I'm healing.
BOKUTO: That's good. So, big game for us tonight, are you ready to cheer us on?
Y/N: Absolutely. I brought all of my pep with me.
KUROO: We're gonna kick their asses, hehehe.

(y/n) turned her head and saw him with a mischievous look on his face, almost evil. The only other time she saw him this fired up for a game was when he played against karasuno in high school. She was curious who this guy he wanted to brag to was.


When they got to the stadium, (y/n) gave Kuroo a quick kiss goodbye and entered through the public's entrance while Bokuto and Kuroo made their way to the athletes' one. Upon entering she saw a small food stand and decided to get a snack before seating herself in the stadium. She didn't know anyone so she sort of struggled with the food and her crutch but in the end she managed to find a spot and ate as she waited for the game to start. Throughout the game, people continuously stood up to cheer and sat back down, something (y/n) couldn't do, which reminded her of how shitty a situation she was in. All she wanted at the moment was to take the stupid knee brace off, throw the crutch away, stand up, cheer, jump and everything else, but she couldn't. The realization demoralized her and she spaced out for the entire third set, staring at her knee as tears threatened to slip out of her eyes.

Kuroo noticed her in the crowd as he walked back onto the court and waved, but she couldn't see him. Well, she could, but she was still spaced out. That's when Kuroo knew something was wrong. Also, he'd just embarrassed himself in front of his arch nemesis by waving and (y/n) not waving back.

DAISHOU: HAH! She's not waving back, it's probably some random girl you picked because you don't actually have a girlfriend.
KUROO: SHUT UP! She's not. There's just... Something going on...
DAISHOU: She probably broke up with you and you're still hung up on her, HAHAHAH!!

He noticed the referee glaring at the both of them and quickly apologized and walked back to his position.

Kuroo tried everything to grab her attention back, attempting the flashiest plays, but she wouldn't budge. Finally after Daishou tried cheating for the third time that match and got caught, (y/n) snapped out of it, hearing all of Kuroo's university's students yelling in anger.

After that, her attention was solely placed onto Kuroo; she thought about how grateful she was to have him in her life and felt that it was wrong to not give him the attention he deserved.

The match ended with the fourth set; Kuroo, once again, defeating Daishou. (y/n) smiled at him from the stands and blew him a kiss. All while Daishou wasn't looking, and he continued to tease Kuroo about it not being true.


Y/N: There he is!!

She smiled as Kuroo walked out of the stadium. He smiled back and, holding her by the waist, he gave her a peck on the lips.

Y/N: Congratulations on the win...
KUROO: Thanks but, are you ok? I saw you kinda down earlier.
Y/N: Yeah, I'm fine, I just had a... Moment... But I'm great now, I promise.
KUROO: Ok, good.

Kuroo noticed Daishou walking out, trying to avoid confrontation and called out to him.

KUROO: Oh Daishouu!!

Daishou jerked upon hearing him and unwillingly walked toward the two.

KUROO: So... We beat you... *cough cough* Again. *cough cough*
Y/N: Tetsu... Be nice.
KUROO: Oh, yeah! Daishou, this is my very real and very beautiful GIRLFRIEND, (y/n).
DAISHOU: N-nice to meet you.

He stared at the ground angrily.

Y/N: Likewise...

She smiled at him.

KUROO: So... Where's Mika-chan? Did she not come to see you?
DAISHOU: She... Broke up with me again...

She smacked him on the arm, hard.

Y/N: Don't laugh at that!! I'm sorry that happened, Daishou-san.
DAISHOU: It's okay, I guess, thank you.
KUROO: HEY! No getting cozy with the enemy.
Y/N: Kuroo, he is hardly the enemy, calm down.
KUROO: He might look innocent but he's actually a snake. A dirty sneaky cheating snake.

He glared at the boy while (y/n) rolled her eyes.

Y/N: Stop being a big baby, Tetsu. Come on, let's go home. It was nice meeting you, Daishou-san.
DAISHOU: Y-you too...

He waved as she smiled at him and dragged Kuroo to his car with her free hand.

DAISHOU: Damn it, she is beautiful. Stupid rooster haired bastard...


Y/N: Is Bokuto not coming back with us?
KUROO: Nah, everyone else's going to his goodbye party.
Y/N: Goodbye party???
KUROO: Oh, yeah! I forgot to tell you. Him, Ushijima and Nishinoya are leaving the team. Kou and Ushijima are going to play in pro teams and Nishinoya's just gonna travel the world, I guess.
Y/N: Wait! We can't not go!!
KUROO: Don't worry, we're having another, quieter, less energy draining party tomorrow. They're gonna get shitfaced and I don't want myself near alcohol with you in this state. I need to be ready 24/7 to help you when you need it.
Y/N: You're so dramatic.

She rolled her eyes.

KUROO: No, I'm protective.

He smiled and pecked her cheek as he opened the car door for her.


A/N: Yoooooo 15k reads?? Hello?? Moris?? Ok but ty fr that's crazy. Also sorry I've been as dead as Kuroo is in the manga but uhhh yea I'm a lazy mf. But thanks, really. Ily😎

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