Chapter 5.

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Tonight was both weird and great, I couldn't believe I cried in front of Kuroo thought, it was embarrassing. But the way he looked me in the eyes and hugged me. I had no idea he was so sweet, he seemed like the type that would just mess around with girls. I felt so happy and I could still fell his strong arms around me. The way he cared about how I was bullied at home, I was slowly but surely falling for him.

Last night I fell asleep while thinking about Kuroo. Sure, he was attractive but what really reeled me in was his kindness. I couldn't wait to see him again that morning. As I was walking to breakfast he intercepted me

KUROO: Hey! (y/n)-san.

Y/N: Oh, hi Kuroo.

KUROO: How are you today?

Y/N: Better, thank you. How about you?

KUROO: Oh don't worry about me, all that matters is that you don't feel like that anymore.

Y/N: Oh, no no, I don't. Thanks, for... Last night and... Everything.

He smiled. His smile was addictive.

KUROO: Sure, I really enjoyed myself (y/n)-san.

I couldn't help but blush.

Y/N: Yeah... Me too.

KENMA: Oi, Kuroo. It's time to eat.

He jumped as he was startled which made me laugh.

KUROO: Well, I better go... I hope you'll be watching me play.

Y/N: I will, I'll see you later.

KUROO: Bye...

We weren't officially together or anything but everything felt so perfect with him. Every time he looked me in the eyes I could feel my heart pounding, and every time he smiled I felt my legs turn into jelly. I was so helplessly falling for him, and i believed he was too.

The days flew by as every night we met and talked about anything and everything and then during the days I watched him play. When he scored he'd look my way without being noticed and smile, and I would smile back.

But one night, I went to our usual meeting spot and he didn't show up. I decided to wait for him, but after an hour he didn't show.

Y/N: I can't believe I was so stupid to think someone who looked like that was actually into me.


BOKUTO: Hey, hey, hey. Where do you think you're going?

KUROO: I've got something to do, I'll be here later.

BOKUTO: Just where have you been running off to these days, huh?

KUROO: It's none of your business, dumb owl, I'll kick your ass!

BOKUTO: Oi, why don't you just do it then, huh?!

KUROO: Fine bring it on then!

I shouldn't have I knew I shouldn't have, but I did anyway, I let my pride get in the way of me and (y/n). I thought of it as just a few blocks but I lost track of time. She must have been devastated considering her past, I didn't want her to think I was just toying with her. I was serious about us. As soon as I realized I ran out of the gym to our meetup spot hoping she'd still be there, and I just barely caught her.


I decided to leave after an hour and a half, it was clear he wasn't going to show up.

Y/N: God, why am I so stupid?!

KUROO: (y/n)-san wait!!

Y/N: Huh?

KUROO: I'm sorry, I lost track of time, I didn't mean to leave you hanging. I'm really sorry. Are you mad?

Y/N: I am. Not at you. At myself for actually thinking someone like you could actually ever consider me.

KUROO: What do you mean someone like me?

Y/N: Like you! Handsome, smart, perfect. Someone who could get any girl he wants. I'm awkward and weird and shy and just, the opposite of what guys like you want.

KUROO: Do you really think that about yourself? Do you honestly believe that? (y/n), the entire team has been drooling after you, and not just Nekoma, the other teams too.

Y/N: That's not true, if it were I would've noticed.

KUROO: No you wouldn't have. I told them to back off.

Y/N: What?! Why?!


He cut himself off to calm down.

KUROO: They don't like you like I do.

Y/N: Yeah you like me enough to leave me waiting for an hour and a half. I'm not falling for anymore trick-

He grabbed me and kissed me energetically. Both his hands were cupping my cheeks. At first I resisted, but then I gave into it and wrapped my arms around his neck. He interrupted the kiss to say:

I'm not like them.

writer: hey guys sorry for making (y/n) such a difficult bitch, forgive her she has trust issues and went through a lot at home TWT. Oh and if you didn't pick up "them" is the guys who played tricks on her.

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