Chapter 16.

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(Ok so uhmm this chapter is a biiiiit deep and goes into serious anger management issues so read at your own discretion)

Everyone at school knew about me and Kuroo and they'd always been nice to me, but those people knew me, what worried me was the people who didn't go to Nekoma and who didn't know me, those people would turn out to be a big problem for me, but I didn't know at the time, I was still on my guard, but I didn't know what was in plan for me.
There was this one girl in particular that I ran into as I walked home with Minako, it was just the both of us since our training was cancelled and Kuroo was at volleyball practice. She brutally bumped into me, I immediately apologized not wanting to blame her and be rude, but she had no problems of the sort.

HONOO: Watch where the fuck you're going, you slut.
Y/N: First of all, on what grounds do you think you can call me a slut, second, you're the one who bumped into me and third, chill out.

I tried my best to contain my anger, not wanting things to end up like the last time.

HONOO: I can call you a slut 'cause that's what you are, you filthy bitch. Did you not know Kuroo only goes after sluts like you?

My blood started boiling and I clenched my fists and took a deep breath trying not to explode.

MINAKO: (y/n), let's go, she's not worth it...
HONOO: You think you can be the innocent perfect little girl that comes swooshing in and changes a guy like Kuroo? Please. Don't you know I was the one that made him how he is now? We did have a fiery relationship until I moved away, but I'm back now and don't think I'm going to let him be with a little slut like you.
Y/N: Does your vocabulary contain any other  words that aren't "slut"? This conversation is getting pretty repetitive.

I swallowed my rage thinking that if I held back now I could go to a gym or something to let it out. Until she moved closer to me so that only I would hear.

HONOO: I bet you haven't even had sex yet, you're holding out on him aren't you? Ahhh you are, that's a terrible mistake, he gets sooo frustrated when he doesn't get any, he's going to run back to someone who's not as... useless... as you.

She whispered with a grin and all the memories came flooding back.

SARA : Are you fucking stupid? That was obviously a fake and you still jumped?
JULIA: God sometimes I ask myself how you even got on this team.
LISA: It sure wasn't talent, her daddy's probably got connections and he got her in somehow, but she couldn't be more useless.
COACH: (y/n) I'm very disappointed in you, I know the other girls haven't been that nice to you but this is over the line. Our best wing now can't play for two weeks until her nose is healed, I understand if you need to let off steam but punching my players is not an option. I'm sorry but you're going to have to take a leave and better your mental health before you come back, this is the best option for all of us.
MOM: (y/n)...
Y/N: What mom? are you going to take my phone away? My computer? Take it all I don't care, coach already took away the only thing I cared about in the shitty life I'm living so why the fuck not?
MOM: Hey, watch your language, it's not like the world is ending just because you're taking a few weeks off-
Y/N: No! You don't get it mom! One small slip up at this level is enough for me to not play anymore, and this isn't even a small slip up! My career is fucking over because I dared stand up for myself, for fuck's sake can anything go right in my life?!
I ran to my room, crying and swirling with emotions as I physically felt my heart ache. All I felt like doing was punching and throwing things, I wanted to punch Lisa until you could barely recognize her, I wanted to beat all of them up because of what they did to me. I locked the door and started punching my walls until my knuckles were bleeding, my mom outside my room screaming and begging me to stop, warning me I was going to get hurt, but for all I cared I was going to punch that wall until I passed out. I went on until suddenly I heard the door burst open, my sister running inside and wrapping her arms around mine to stop me from moving. I was crying so hard I could barely open my eyes, my lips were throbbing, my wall was slightly dented and my knuckles completely broken and full of blood. My sister panted and dropped to the floor while still holding me, she wasn't supposed to move around too much after being in the hospital for months but god knows she would do just about anything to save me from getting hurt. She slowly caressed my hair and kissed my head as I wailed in her arms.
SOFIA: It's gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay.

I grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and lifted her up, her feet barely touching the ground as she choked, I brought her to my eye level and stared at her, my eyes flaming, the same eyes I had that night back home. Honoo tapped furiously on my clenched hand for me to let her go but I didn't flinch.

MINAKO: (y-y/n)! W-what are you?!
Y/N: You don't want to start this with me.

I threatened as I kept staring through her visibly terrified soul.

SAKIE: Oi, (y/n)! You can easily do this right now, but then what happens? I don't know what happened to you in the past but I know whatever you did didn't end up being the right decision. You can either go through with it for the satisfaction, or you can be the bigger person, and walk away.

I looked over, Sakie wasn't even trying to stop me, she was just standing there, her hands in her pockets as she spoke those words, Minako was clearly terrified and not knowing what to do she called her over.

SAKIE: You know I'm right, (y/n). But it's your decision.

I let Honoo go, pushing her to the ground as she coughed and gasped for air and then quickly got up and ran away.

SAKIE: Good choice, come on, let's go get something to eat and cool off, shall we?


Y/N: So then I had to go to anger management meetings, I started going to the gym and taking boxing lessons to let out my frustration, along with playing basketball in parks, on my own obviously.
MINAKO: Wow, I'm so sorry you went through that...
SAKIE: What did they mean about your dad?
MINAKO: S-Sakie!

She glared at her.

Y/N: No, no. It's fine. I needed to tell someone, I've been holding it in for so long...
My parents got divorced when I was around six, my dad was the one who pushed me towards basketball and he was the one who paid for all of my basketball shoes and that kind of stuff so he was pretty experienced and he did have connections, but all he did was get a scout to check out one of my games, I did the rest on my own, which is why I got so mad when she implied that I hadn't done any of the work.
SAKIE: I understand...

I sipped my jasmine tea and all of a sudden the cafe's door bursted open.

KUROO: (Y/N)?!

Everyone turned around to stare at him and I choked on my tea burning myself a little.

Y/N: Keep your damn voice down! Jesus!

He looked around, embarrassed and quickly sat at our table.

KUROO: Sorry I was just worried about you, Minako told me what happened.
Y/N: Oh, she did?

I fake smiled at her, I didn't want Kuroo to know what I'd done back home until I was ready to tell him.

MINAKO: Yeah, I told him that girl was harassing you and Sakie got her to leave...

She had read me completely.

KUROO: Are you alright? I'm so sorry that happened.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him resting his chin on my head and sliding his fingers through my hair.

Y/N: I'm fine... Thanks, Tetsu.

I nodded to Sakie, thanking her for stepping in when she did and she nodded back.

(I'm sorry if that was a little too serious lmao sometimes I come up with fuzzy lovey dovey stuff and other times this happens so yea sorry)

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