Chapter 42.

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PRESS: So, (l/n)-san, do you think the nominee to mvp for the other team's playmaker this game was deserved?
Y/N: Absolutely, one hundred percent. I'm not one to greed for those type of things and Isamu was definitely outstanding tonight so I couldn't be happier for her. No matter her team losing she still managed to carry the game on and give us a hard time so it was an interesting game.
ISAMU: Come on now, you're gonna make me blush!
PRESS: Oh! Shimoyashiki-san! Can we get a comment on tonight's game?
ISAMU: Definitely one of the best games I've ever played, there wasn't one moment of peace in it, just the way I like it, haha! (y/n) here will always be the best wall for me to surpass, I always have fun when playing against her.
PRESS: There you have it folks! The two strongest female basketball players in the league right now are surprisingly incredibly good friends!


(y/n) checked her schedule as she chomped on some cereal.

9.30 : Interview
13:00 : Lunch with manager
16:30 : Physiotherapy
18:00-21:00 : Training

Y/N: Long day today...
TV: ... first prototype of an entirely electric plane designed by upcoming engineer, Kuroo Tetsurou, is set to be tested this week, sources say if the test goes well these planes could already be fully implemented two years from now...

(y/n) switched the tv off and grabbed the bag of dog food.

Y/N: Butter!! Come here boy!!

Tiny paws scratching against the wooden floor could be heard getting closer and closer as the puppy ran toward his owner.

Y/N: Hi baby!!


INTERVIEWER: We understand you got into the big leagues through your university, correct?
Y/N: Yes, I got a scholarship at a film school and then got scouted for the national team, I don't really have much time left for university anymore since the team takes up most of my time, but I make small montages in my free time still.
INTERVIEWER: A woman of many talents I see. Is there a man worthy of this multitalented star or is he yet to appear?
Y/N: There isn't anyone at the moment, no. I'm not really looking to date anyone, seeing my schedule and all that, heheheh. I'd rather just take care of my puppy for now...

Kuroo sighed and turned off his phone screen.

KUROO: (I need to stop watching her interviews...)


MANAGER: So they're organizing a fundraising party with all sorts of upcoming young celebrities and they want you to be there, if you're willing to donate, of course.
Y/N: Oh yes, definitely. That sounds like an amazing idea, what charity are we raising money for?
MANAGER: To build schools for little girls in the middle east who don't get to have an education.
Y/N: I'm definitely willing to donate and help raise money for this. Just send me an address and time and I'll be there.
MANAGER: Way ahead of you, it's already in your emails.
Y/N: You're the best! Mwah! Gotta go now, bye!


Y/N: I'm thinking I should go with the red one. It's definitely more elegant and mature.
ISAMU: Okay but, the black one is misterious, intriguing, and it shows more skin, maybe you'll get a date tonight, huh?
Y/N: I doubt it. And I don't want one, Butter and I are doing just fine.
ISAMU: Still can't believe you named your puppy Butter.
Y/N: It's adorable, come on!
ISAMU: Whatever you say... Come on now, pick; black or red?
Y/N: I'll go with the red.
ISAMU: You're boring.


The two well dressed women walked into what looked like a palace straight out of a fairy tale. Everything was marble and it was richly decorated. They stepped into the main room and were immediately handed drinks.

The night started off very pleasantly, the two of them talked to loads of famous celebrities in all kinds of sectors; art, music, film, science, and they learnt more and more as the night went on. When it was time to write the checks for the charity and take some pictures (just for looks, that wasn't really how the actual transaction was going to go), Isamu and (y/n) got separated. (y/n) wandered around the ballroom looking for her friend and suddenly bumped into someone.

Y/N: Oh, I'm sorry...
KUROO: No, pardon m- (y/n)?
Y/N: Tetsu? -rou, ahem, Tetsurou, hi. How are you doing?
KUROO: Hey, hi, yeah, I'm doing great. Wow it's been a long time hasn't it?
Y/N: Two years, yeah... What have you been up to?
KUROO: Oh well that electric plane plan we had is going great, we'll be testing later this week.
Y/N: (Yeah, I know) That's amazing, I'm really happy for you.
KUROO: Oh, thank you, what about you?
Y/N: Oh I got into the big leagues, I'm a main player on the team now which is... Cool, heh...
KUROO: (I already know that) That's insane! Couldn't be happier for you.
Y/N/KUROO: (Are you dating again though?)
Y/N: So uhm... I should...
KUROO: Yeah, yes. Me too.

Both of them turned around and started walking away from each other. Suddenly both of them stopped.

Y/N/KUROO: Wait-
Y/N: You wanna talk for real?

They stepped out of the ballroom and onto the balcony.

KUROO: So... Real-talk? How many people have you been with since me?
Y/N: How about you?
KUROO: No, I asked first.
Y/N: Fine. None.
KUROO: I don't believe you.
Y/N: Wow, so I go and admit I'm lonely and you have the balls to make fun of me too?
KUROO: You're serious?
Y/N: Bitch, yes. Now you answer.
Y/N: (Ouch) You guys still together?
KUROO: Nope.
Y/N: Was it... Elaine?
KUROO: *sigh* Yes.
Y/N: (Double ouch) What happened?
KUROO: I realized she wasn't you. And that she wasn't ever going to be able to replace you. So I broke it off.
Y/N: Oh.
KUROO: Also I know the woman who organized this fundraiser personally... And I pushed for you to be invited. In all honesty I've been stalking you through interviews, watching all your matches, thinking about you relentlessly for a year now. For me all it took was a year away from you to realize how much I actually need you. I don't know if you feel the same or not, but I've been holding these feelings for too long. I really wanted to see you, I needed to. And now that you're here... God you're as stunning as ever. As soon as I saw you I was reminded of how in love I am with you.

(y/n)'s cheeks grew redder than her dress.

Y/N: I-I've been stalking you too... On the news, and stuff... Also, I was kinda hoping you'd be here tonight, or that you would see pictures, so I wore a red dress... 'cuz it's your favorite color on me and all...

Kuroo's face was painted with joy as he heard her speak those words.

Y/N: But don't think I'm going to jump into dating you again like the first time. I want to take it slow this time... I want to enjoy the journey this time, I want it to last this time...
KUROO: I understand. So what's the first step?
Y/N: Well Tetsu-rou, Tetsurou, would you go on a date with me this saturday?
KUROO: Absolutely.

The end...


A/N: I wasn't expecting myself to end it with this chapter but here it is. Boy has it been a long time since i started writing this. Definitely a year and maybe a half too? I absolutely hate the beginning of this book but, oh well, we all have to learn/start somewhere, right? Anyway, it's been really fun to put my ideas and creativity into this book, I wasn't consistent in uploading, but I got through it in the end sort of well. I'm really glad so many people liked it, also reading your comments just puts a smile on my face and kinda makes me forget the bad things so I hope more people comment as time goes by. Thank you so much for reading and uhm if you have suggestions for any other books let me know here. If you want you can check out my oneshot book since I'm most likely going to be uploading it more now that I'm done with this book. Thanks again for the love and support and all that and I'm glad I could distract you from this shitty year we're all living in, if I did <3

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