Chapter 36.

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As soon as the second quarter ended and the halftime break started, (y/n) quickly got out of the stands and got to the changing room as fast as she could so she could catch her team before the third quarter started. Kuroo was not okay with her almost running on crutches so he let her lean on him to not put pressure on her knee. When they got to the changing room Kuroo stood outside of it, seeing as he wasn't allowed to enter, and (y/n) knocked on the door. The coach was talking to the team trying to get their spirits back up, although not managing when he heard the knock and as she opened the door (y/n)'s head peeked in and gave her team a warm smile. The coach immediately helped her into the room and everyone looked at her expectantly.

Y/N: So... Y'all are sucking out there. No I mean really sucking, have you seen the score? Pffft.

Everyone was visibly confused as she laughed at her team. And they got even more depressed.

Y/N: Seriously? You're gonna let me tell you that? You're just gonna assume you suck because someone's telling you you do? No. That's not how it works. This is not the team that I played with before my injury. This is not the team that stood up and showed everyone that Nekoma's female basketball team is not gone. This is not the team that shut everyone else up by winning the inter-high. My Nekoma would stand up to me, tell me "No, I don't suck. I am working my ass off for every single point, and you have no right to tell me that I am not giving 100%", so why don't you tell me that?!
Go on, answer!
MINAKO: Because we aren't giving 100%!
Y/N: That's right!
My Nekoma doesn't get discouraged when a powerful opponent steps on the court! My Nekoma thrives against powerful opponents! My Nekoma gives 100% always! We have not come this far just to lose like this today. I don't care if we do lose, as long as we know that we did everything we could out there. As long as you feel it inside yourself that there was nothing else you possibly could have done to change the outcome. As long as every single one of us gives 100%, the score doesn't count. We fight with everything we have in us, no matter who we're playing against! So what are you gonna do now, Nekoma?!
Y/N: And how are you going to do that, Nekoma!
Y/N: Yes, now go out there, and give 100%!


The team rushed out of the changing room reinvigorated and ready to fight again. The coach congratulated herself with (y/n) and then followed the team and as (y/n) came out, Kuroo gave her a smile.

KUROO: Nice speach in there, captain...
Y/N: Oof, you heard all that?
KUROO: I sure did, the team is lucky to have a captain like you, babe.
Y/N: That's the only thing I can do to help them right now...


The game went on completely differently from the last quarter, Nekoma took back most of the lost points and fought to keep the opponents from scoring too much. (y/n) felt pride grow in her chest as her team rose from the ashes and fought back hard. Kuroo sometimes glanced at her, noticing her glimmering eyes and fell even more in love with her than he already was. Her dedication to the sport was like no other, she was an outstanding leader and an amazing teammate. No wonder players from other teams admired her too. The third quarter ended with Nekoma almost catching up to their opponents, they were only a couple of points behind. The fourth quarter was a fight to the death as the score stayed really close. Finally Nekoma managed to go past the other team when Minako scored a layup and got a foul, earning one free throw which she nailed.

156-154, eleven seconds on the clock and the ball is to the other team. Nekoma's defense had to fight with everything they had, they had to give one last push. The other team does a pick n roll sending their center down near the hoop but Minako's there to defend. The ball goes to Isamu outside the three pointer line, Ayumi runs to cover her, Isamu shoots. The crowd stares at the ball in mid-air expectantly.
The sound of the buzzer fills the stadium right before the ball goes into the net perfectly, the net making that sweet sound that any player wants to hear after shooting.

156-157, Nekoma loses the finals.

The opponent's side of the crowd roars with excitement, the players on the bench and on the court run to Isamu almost tackling her to the floor.

(y/n) feels her heart shatter in her chest. Kuroo immediately looks to her with worried eyes. The Nekoma crowd groans in annoyance. The players on the court break down crying on the floor.

KUROO: Are you alright, (y/n)?

The voices around her sound muffled as she stares straight ahead. Her vision becomes blurry. Tears. Her hands drop the banner she was holding. She keeps staring in disbelief as Kuroo hugs her and brings her close to his chest. He knows damn well how it feels to be so close and still lose, and he does his best to comfort her.

Meanwhile the players on the court shook hands and complimented each other on a game well played. When the teams receive their trophies and the MVP award (which was given to Minako), the crowd starts to murmur as they see the two teams talking amongst themselves and the tournament staff, the microphone gets handed to Isamu.

ISAMU: I'd like to say a few words...

She starts. (y/n) was staring at the ground, tears dripping on the floor as Kuroo kept holding her close and caressing her head.

ISAMU: On behalf of the entire team, I would like to dedicate this trophy to (l/n) (f/n).

(y/n) looked up at the court, confused. Kuroo smiled.

ISAMU: Not only is she an outstanding basketball player, she is also a great inspiration to any player out there. Despite her almost critical knee injury she kept fighting and made sure that her team would do so aswell. During the half time break we heard the speech she gave out to her teammates and it was truly inspiring. She is a great captain and a great person and we are truly heartbroken that she didn't get to fight on the court, and we are disappointed that we didn't get to play our final match against her. It would have been an honor to play against you, (y/n), we all wish you a speedy and healthy recovery.
You're the whole tournament's MVP if you ask me, and I think everyone in this room can agree with me.

The players and the crowd nodded as they smiled toward (y/n), teary-eyed and emotional.

ISAMU: And that is why to pay our respects to you we have asked the federation to make this...

Minako held up a shiny "golden" trophy shaped like a woman going in for a layup.

ISAMU: From now on this will be the official female basketball high school Spring Tournament trophy, and if you look closely, you'll notice that this is a 3d recreation of the picture of the game-winning layup you scored in your semi-finals. (y/n), you are a true inspiration to any girl out there who wants to play basketball, we are so happy that we managed to arrange this and we'd be honored for you to bring this home.

Kuroo shook (y/n) our of her daze and helped her down from the bleachers guiding her to the center of the court where both the teams gave her a huge group hug and handed her the trophy. The crowd bursted into applause and (y/n) couldn't stop crying.


After a brief talk with her teammates and coaches Kuroo and (y/n) made their way home. (y/n) had a bittersweet feeling but Kuroo made sure to soothe her with junk food and comedies.

He knew her so well.


A/N: Poor bby just wanted her team to go to nationals🥺

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