Chapter 23.

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( Look at him. LOOK. AT. HIM.)


BOKUTO: Bye, thanks again for the food!
Y/N: Anytime, see ya.
KUROO: Is that all of them?
Y/N: Yes it is.
KUROO: Good. Can't believe we had 15 people sleeping here, now that they're gone I can finally have some alone time with my precious girlfriend...

He smiled and pulled her onto him by the hips when she walked in front of the couch.

Y/N: Tetsu... Not now, I have to clean up!
KUROO: You can clean up later, appreciate me or i'll cry.

He frowned at her and she giggled, running a hand through his messy hair, she laid down on his chest and gave him a peck on the lips; but when she pulled away he pulled her back in for a deeper kiss.

KUROO: I don't want you to leave...
Y/N: I don't want to either but I still have to finish my last year of high school before I can move in with you...
KUROO: I know that, but I hate not being with you... It's torture. Do you know how hard it is not having your cute little body to hug at night?
Y/N: Do you know how hard it is not having a chest to lie on at night?
KUROO: Aww, do you like my abs that much?
Y/N: I said chest.
KUROO: Admit it, you love my abs.
Y/N: I never said abs.
KUROO: You love them.
Y/N: No one said abs.
KUROO: You're not denying it~
Y/N: Shut up.


KUROO: What do you need to get?

The both of them walked through the sports store.

Y/N: Compression leg and arm sleeves and socks.
KUROO: I'll find the socks, you get the rest.
Y/N: Alright.

They walked out of the store, Kuroo carrying the bag with one hand and holding (y/n)'s with the other.

Y/N: You know I could've paid for that myself, right?
KUROO: I don't care, you're my guest and I'm spoiling you.
Y/N: But you spoil me even when you're mine though...
KUROO: I'm never your guest, you live at my parents' house.

He chuckled.

Y/N: I know! But still... I wanna repay you for all of this someday...
KUROO: You repay me by just being mine.
Y/N: Tetsu, I'm serious...
KUROO: I know, and I'm sure you will. But don't worry about it. For now, just live your life like you deserve to and we'll think about the rest later.


(y/n) was abruptly woken up by her alarm and she sat up faster than her brain could realize what was happening.

She looked at the clock.

5.30 A.M.

Y/N: Ughhhhh...

She glanced at her side and smiled at the sleeping boy beside her before she stood up and started getting ready.

It was early, so she wasn't hungry, but she had a training camp to endure, so she ate a couple of slices of toast and then started packing her gym bag.

Water, shoes, ice packs for her healing injury.

She slipped her running shoes on and walked to the bathroom to put her contacts in. Once she was done and left the bathroom she almost bumped into Kuroo who was sleepily putting on a hoodie.

Y/N: What are you doing awake?
KUROO: Driving you.

He said while yawning.

Y/N: No you're not. It's really early Tetsu, go back to sleep...
KUROO: I can sleep later, there's no way I'm gonna let you go to your youth training camp alone. Especially in this part of Tokyo, do you know how long it takes to get to that gym with the train?
Y/N: Tetsu...
KUROO: Shush, I'm driving you.

And with that he picked up her gym bag, grabbed his keys and pushed her out the door, locking it behind him.


Y/N: Thanks again for driving me, even though you really didn't have to...
KUROO: My pleasure, babe.

He smiled and caressed her cheek.

KUROO: Go kick some ass in there, okay?
Y/N: Okay...

She smiled with a determined look on her face. They briefly kissed before (y/n) stepped out of the car and swinging her bag over her shoulder she started walking towards the gym, Kuroo drove off so he could get some sleep before he had to leave again for university.


(y/n) was pretty sure of herself as she walked towards the gym doors and then her anxiety started getting the best of her, she was the first one there and she thought she'd gotten the place wrong.

She frantically searched for her phone and once she unlocked it she tried finding the email with the instructions.

?: (y/n)?
Y/N: Huh?!
Woah, Tsukki?!
TSUKISHIMA: Hey, uhm, how are you?
Y/N: I'm good, what about you?
TSUKISHIMA: I'm okay... You here for a training camp?
Y/N: Yeah, youth camp... I'm guessing most of them are held here, that's what you're here for, no?
Y/N: That's cool! Is it just you?
TSUKISHIMA: For the youth camp, yeah. One of the first years got invited to the rookie camp though.
Y/N: That's great, is the team doing well?
TSUKISHIMA: Yeah, I hate to admit it but Hinata has gotten better. What about you, how's the basketball team?
Y/N: They made me captain this year, heh. Our first years are promising and I know the team will be okay even when me and the other girls graduate...
TSUKISHIMA: That's good-


Y/N: Tetsu? Shouldn't you be sleeping?
KUROO: I forgot to tell you i loved you.

He groaned sleepily. (y/n) smiled.

Y/N: I love you too...

Tsukishima felt his heart sink. She just had to show up out of the blue a year later looking as good and determined as ever and crush his moving on process. It would've been good if she'd broken up with Kuroo, but unfortunately for him...

MAI: Well, well, well, what do we have here? Is that my prodigy I see?
Y/N: Mai?! What are you doing here?!

She exclaimed as she hugged her former teammate and captain.

MAI: I'm assistant coach to the youth camp's coach so I'll be coaching you this week.
Y/N: What?! That's so amazing!!
MAI: Ah, but don't think I'll go easy on you. If anything I'll go even harder on you.
Y/N: Can't wait.

She smiled.

Y/N: Well, I better get going, I'll see you around here Tsukki.

The two girls walked away and Tsukishima went his own way.

MAI: So, I trust you're an even better captain than I was?
Y/N: Oh please, as if anyone could top you. I wouldn't be captain if it weren't for you.
MAI: Oh stop, you're a natural born leader and all my girls on the team knew it, that's why you're captain. You don't owe me anything, you deserve everything you got.
Y/N: I appreciate the fact that you feel that way but, I still think you helped me come out of my shell as a player and as a person. I hope I'm doing the same for the first years we have this year.
MAI: I'm sure you are...


(Hey so I lost inspo again😔 I'M TRYING I SWEAR, I'M TRYING MY HARDEST FOR THE 1 PERSON WHO ACTUALLY READS THIS BOOK BUT I JUST CAN'T. I have some vague ideas for the continuation of this book but it's so hard to develop them rn, I'm having a hard time video-editing too help gimme back my creativity TwT. I swear to you, my only reader, I will finish this stoopid book if you want me to)

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