Chapter 40.

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KUROO: Did you get your charger from the bedroom?
Y/N: Yeah, can you hand me my bag?
KUROO: No, I'll carry it for you.
Y/N: Tetsu-
KUROO: Nope, I'm carrying it, shut.

(y/n) sighed and smiled before giving him a peck on the lips.

KUROO: Come on, let's get going...


The ride to the train station was quiet, both of them knew they'd start crying if they dared speak one word. Kuroo just held her hand the entire time as (y/n) looked out the window, trying not to think too hard about what was about to happen.

Once they got to the station Kuroo accompanied her all the way to the train tracks. After helping her with her bag they both knew it was time to face saying goodbye. Kuroo grabbed (y/n)'s hands and kissed them before moving a strand of hair behind her ear with one of his.

KUROO: Well...
Y/N: I'll miss you...

She said as her eyes started getting watery and words struggled to come out of her mouth without her voice breaking.

KUROO: I'll miss you too, but we can do this, we've done it this whole time...
Y/N: I know, but- But I'm still gonna miss you...

Now she was full on crying, Kuroo wrapped her in his arms and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

KUROO: Just a few more months and we'll be together again...
Y/N: Mhm...

He raised her face and gave her a passionate kiss on the lips.

KUROO: I love you, forever...
Y/N: I love you too...


Tears rolled down (y/n)'s eyes as she looked out the train window, no matter how many times they had to do it, goodbyes were never easy.

(y/n) got home and Kuroo's parents greeted her lovingly, knowing she must be upset at the moment. They made her favorite dish and got her lots of junk food, (y/n) asked herself what she did to deserve people like this in her life.

After a fun dinner she went back up to her room and saw some texts from Kuroo.

From: Tetsu <3
I miss u already

To: Tetsu <3
imy too
ur parents made my favourite

From: Tetsu <3
That's mom and dad for ya

To: Tetsu <3
I rlly love u, like a lot

From: Tetsu <3
I love you too babe
I'll go to sleep now

To: Tetsu <3
ok go dream of me alright?

From: Tetsu <3
Absolutely <3

(y/n) set down her phone and decided to head to sleep aswell. Unfortunately the only way for her to do that was by crying herself to sleep.


(y/n) woke up to the sound of her alarm, she went to the bathroom and immediately noticed how red and puffy her eyes were because of all the crying. This almost made her cry all over again. She washed her face with cold water and went to put her uniform on, memories of the first time she wore it rushed into her mind and suddenly she was in tears again. She dried them up and did her best to hold them in as she made her way to school.

Right before entering class she put on her best poker face which she kept throughout basketball practice too, not saying a word unless spoken to to avoid crumbling and crying in front of everyone.

She put on the best fake smile she could muster to face Kuroo's parents, and then finally, when she was alone, she broke down. A shaky hand reached for her phone, she went to her emergency contacts and called Kuroo.

KUROO: Hello?
Y/N: H-hi...
KUROO: Babe? Are you crying?
Y/N: Yeah...
KUROO: Aww, sweetie. Don't cry, we'll see each other soon enough, I promise. It'll fly by, you won't even realize it.
Y/N: T-today has been e-endless...
KUROO: I know, but you need to focus on what's at hand, you have finals in a few weeks, right? Focus on those.
Y/N: I don't wanna.
KUROO: C'mon babe, you can do it.
Y/N: But I only wanna do you.

Kuroo chuckled heartily before reassuring her again and saying goodnight to go to bed. (y/n), once again, cried herself to sleep.


The more days passed the less she cried at night, she was starting to get into the rhythm of everything and managed not to think of the distance as much. Her final exams were going well and so was the team even though she wasn't participating as much because of her knee injury. She would only do ballhandling exercises and free throws, careful to not overwork herself. Kuroo held himself together most of the time, still missing her touch for some of it. Nevertheless summer kept getting closer and closer, and soon (y/n) would be graduating.


A/N: Hello, short chapter, yes, sorry. Also I cant believe I've written 40 chapters of this thing wtf and y'all liked it too ???? Once again lemme just say the first chapters of this book are horrendous and I absolutely dissociate myself from them. Ty for all the reads n shit, ily all very much

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