Chapter 15.

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(number fiftEEn buhrger king foot lettUhce)
(if you don't get the reference you're dead to me)
(oh by the way; slight H)

The match ended 25 to 23, Nekoma won. Kuroo's blocks were on point, the only times Karasuno scored were when Kuroo wasn't there to block. As soon as Kuroo had lined up and greeted the other players he ran to me and with one hand on my hip and one cupping my cheek he passionately kissed me pulling me close to him, enough to leave me breathless.
He quickly pulled away and winked at me as he ran backwards toward the gym doors. My cheeks flushed red.


Minako had gone ahead since Kuroo had to lock up and tidy everything up. I helped him and as we were done we were on our way home. I had already said my goodbye to the Karasuno guys and I was pretty satisfied with the encounter. Kuroo's hand held my tiny one as we walked home, he was still filled with adrenaline since the match but he was still gentle in escorting me around. When we got home my muscles were a little sore so I decided to take a warm shower. I turned on the water and stepped in, when I raised my arms to rub the shampoo into my hair I felt someone hugging me from behind and at the first touch I jumped with fear but then I felt Kuroo's warm breath on my neck and his strong arms holding me by the waist. After he was satisfied with the love marks he'd left on my neck he turned me around to face him; his eyes were burning with passion and a slick flame warmed up my insides as my senses stared to lose effectiveness. The only thing I could hear was the deafening sound of silence and the sound of my heart beating a mile a minute and almost out of my chest. The soft touch of his fingers on my breasts was somewhat amplified and there rested not even one breath of words in my throat. He leaned in, passionately kissing me, the kiss he had promised with that slick wink. His arms held me tight as my breasts pressed against his chest. His hands moved along my whole body like going up and down hills, they finally stopped at my thighs as he bent down to pick me up. I felt the cold shower wall against my back, he kept kissing me deeply and passionately. Somehow every kiss he gave me was different. He had a type of kissing for every situation, which was quite pleasant. Neither of us said a word and it was as if we could read eachother's minds. I felt his hardness against me and realized he already had a condom on.
Wait. Was this happening? Were we gonna...?
Wait I'm-

Y/N: I'm-

I basically screamed, Kuroo looked at me confused, his hands still on my thighs and my body still against the wall.

Y/N: I'm... not ready...

I said softly, looking everywhere except at him. Kuroo smiled, he put me down and gave me a kiss on the cheek. He then proceeded to take the condom off and throw it in the trash. He softly massaged my head to get rid of the remaining shampoo and then wrapped me in a towel and placed me on the bed. All this without saying a word, which made me feel like I'd fucked up. I couldn't help but feel like I'd let him down and as I got dressed an overwhelming feeling of guilt englobed me. Kuroo came back into the room with a pair of boxers on and laid on the bed tapping it at his side signaling me to lie down next to him. I complied with a slight frown on my face. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him giving me a soft kiss on the cheek.

Y/N: Tetsu...
KUROO: Mmhhm?
Y/N: I'm so-
KUROO: It's alright, baby...

He interrupted me.
He was so calm, maybe he was really upset? Or maybe he expected me to let him down so now he wasn't as upset? Did he already-

KUROO: Stop overthinking, (y/n). It's because I love you and I'm not going to rush you into anything you don't want to do.

He read my mind, how was he always able to do that?

Y/N: A-are you sure it's okay?
KUROO: Of course it is.

He turned my body towards himself.

KUROO: I'm not with you for the sex, (y/n). I couldn't care less about the sex. I want you because of how you make me feel, and you make me feel like I'm constantly walking on clouds. So that's that.
Y/N: But eventually you're going to want to...
KUROO: Eventually, yes. When you're ready. I can wait. I'd wait my whole life for you, (y/n).
Y/N: O-oh...

I blushed and looked down, he raised my chin with his finger and looked into my eyes, they were calming and loving, he slowly leaned in to kiss me, slowly and just once. Again, he found another way to tell me his feelings through a kiss.


AYUMI: Oi! Move over! I can't see!
CHIEKO: That's because you're short.
AYUMI: Hey shut up you damn carrot.
MAI: What seems to be the matter?
YUMI: (y/n)'s boyfriend is on a magazine!
MAI: Kuroo Tetsurou? Seriously?
Y/N: What about Tetsurou?
SAKIE: He's on Volleyball Monthly.
Y/N: Woah! How come he didn't tell me?
MAI: Probably because girls are going to go mad over him now and they're going to come after you.
Y/N: Jeez, it's that much of a big deal?
CHIEKO: It's a huge deal!
SAKIE: Personally I don't get the hype.
NAOMI: You never get the hype, Sakie.
AYUMI: Well either way, we're not going to let anyone hurt you, we're your teammates after all!

She grinned, she was so much like Nishinoya it was unbelievable.

CHIEKO: Who are you going to protect, you tiny mouse.
MAI: Ayumi's right though, if anyone tries to pick on you, we'll back you up.
Y/N: Thanks guys...

I felt my stomach flutter as I saw the team come together just for me, it was a feeling I hadn't experienced since I left my team to play professionally.


MINAKO: Hey, what's on your mind, (y/n)?
Y/N: Oh, just what we talked about earlier...
MINAKO: Earlier...?
Y/N: Oh right, you weren't there- Wait, where were you?
MINAKO: Nowhere important, so what happened?
Y/N: Well, apparently Kuroo ended up on Volleyball Monthly and the girls warned me about fangirls...
MINAKO: Oh, yeah. They can be tough, but don't let it get to you, they're just dumb girls being dumb.
Y/N: Right...
MINAKO: Oh, speak of the devil.

I turned my head to see Kuroo jogging towards me and then wrapping his arms around my waist. Minako greeted him by nodding at him

MINAKO: Kuroo-san.
KUROO: Hello Minako-san, always a pleasure.

I liked the way they interacted with eachother.

KUROO: Might I steal her away for a sec?
MINAKO: Go right ahead.
Y/N: Dude, I have free will too.

Both of them ignored me as Kuroo swept me to the side and held my hands.

KUROO: By now you must know about the magazine so, I just wanted to warn you befor-
Y/N: Look, I already know about the fangirls and I'm fine, I'm taller and stronger than most girls in this school so I shouldn't have a problem.
KUROO: I was going to say that I wanted to warn you that you're the only one I want. No one else even compares, so don't worry.
Y/N: Well, if you say so...

I smiled and stepped closer to him wrapping my arms around his neck. His hands instinctively placing themselves on my hips and pulling me closer, I softly pressed my lips against his and just as he started getting into it I pulled away, leaving him wanting more.

Y/N: I gotta get to class...
KUROO: You're so cruel~~

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