Chapter 13.

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One of the reasons I came to Japan was for the bullying. One was just for the abroad experience. And one was to get away from the pressure. Being in under 20 nationals seems amazing and all until you actually feel it. Practice 7 times a week sometimes more than once a day, skipping just one practice meant losing your spot in the game, just one small error and it could all be over. Being on the team meant giving up on school, and doing well at school meant giving up on the team. Somehow I managed to keep both in check, but I was never able to give the best of me to both, it would be physically impossible; I got on with the team purely on talent. Talent and half of the effort I could give granted me a spot on the team, but I still had to work for it, there's competition from one team to another, but there's even more from one player to another of the same team. Everyone hated me because I was 3 to 4 years younger than them and was a regular, they thought I had it made, what they didn't know was that I busted my ass for years climbing up from regular championships to regionals to getting a spot on the bench at nationals and then finally I was a regular. It wasn't just luck, it was a process, I slowly took the wins one by one and paved my way to the sky as best I could. But, hatred at school and on the team... I heavily bared it, and finally I decided to leave, to go to a place that always fascinated me, somewhere far away where none of that would reach me... Or so I thought.

SENSEI: ...uhmmm you! The one staring into oblivion, what's your name?

The sensei shook me out of my daydreaming.

Y/N: Me? Oh I'm (l/n) (f/n), I'm sorry for dozing off, sensei!

I quickly apologized hoping I wouldn't get in trouble on my first day.

SENSEI: Alright... Just don't let it happen again!


KUROO: How's my little champion doing?
Y/N: Don't call me that, and I'm fine.
KUROO: Listen, I already talked to everyone and it's fine if you want to play basketball, I mean you have a calling for it, or so it seems.
Y/N: I don't know yet, it used to be a lot of pressure, I don't know if I can deal with it again.
KUROO: Baby, trust me. Nekoma's team is nowhere near the level you played at. Inuoka has a friend on the team and she said they haven't won in over three years. You'd be good for them, trust me.
Y/N: I just... I don't like being treated like a prodegy. I want people to treat me like a teammate.
KUROO: Just, have practice with them today, the volleyball team's fine without a manager so just take this opportunity to get back into the game. You might see it in a new light...
Y/N: Alright...


The last bell rang and I walked towards the gym. My heart beating fast as lightning and I felt my knees trembling. I quickly got changed.

Y/N: (Should I wear my knee brace? No, right? It's been a long time since the accident I can just go without... Or maybe I still need it? What about the soles, do I have the soles? I don't have the soles. Oh fuck my feet are going to be sore tomorr-)
AYUMI: Heyyy! You came! Are you training with us in the end?
Y/N: Hi, uhm, Ayumi, right? Yes, Kuroo fixed things with the volleyball team so I decided to try it out.
AYUMI: That's me! We're gonna have a lot of fun today!
CHIEKO: I'm gonna have a lot of fun rejecting your layups.
AYUMI: Oi! Don't test me!

They bickered as they left the club room.

MAI: Don't mind them, they always bicker like that. I'm glad to have you with us today. Our team needs quite a bit of work, that's why I needed you.
Y/N: Oh, uhm. I don't know if you should count on me that much...
MAI: Don't get me wrong, our players are good individually... The reason we never win is because we needed a powerful center. There's only so much Sakie and Chieko can do. I think you could bring this team together, if you're up to it.
Y/N: Bring it... together?
MAI: Yeah!

I had only ever caused disruption in my team back home and they used to gang up on me. They only passed to me if it were the right choice to score, they still focused on the team winning, but when it was scoring for satisfaction, I never got to.


MAI: Everyone I'd like you to meet our possible new member, (l/n) (f/n). Please refrain from oohing and aahing, it is her, but she'd like to be addressed normally.
Y/N: Thanks, Mai-senpai.
MAI: Oh please just call me Mai. (y/n), you already know our main guards Ayumi and Chieko, this is Sakie, she's our jolly. She helps me bring the ball up when the defense is tough and her three pointer is the best in the team but she's not tall or powerful enough to be a pivot or a center.

Sakie nodded at me and navy saluted me with one hand held up by the other crossed arm.

MAI: This is Yumi, whatever you do when you get a rebound do NOT pass it to her, she's too clumsy to bring up the ball, but there's no one quite like her when it comes to shooting along the end line. Oh and her left hand is basically non existent since she never uses it.

Yumi shyly waved at me, her cheeks slightly red.

MAI: And finally Minako is the best defender on the team, opponents barely get past her and the slightest error in a pass is quickly detected by her and the ball is snatched. She also is the fastest in the team so look out for counters.
MINAKO: Now, now that's a bit too much praise...

Minako rubbed the back of her neck and waved at me.

MAI: That just leaves you, (y/n). Perhaps we'll finally have our much expected new pivot.
Alright, now that we're all acquainted let's get started with some free throws, then we'll do some defense excercises.

My free throws had always been terrible so I was grateful for the chance to better myself. Then onto to defense excercises I was paired up with Minako, which wasn't the best for me...

I started dribbling eyeing the hoop, I successfully kept the ball bouncing behind my leg so that it'd be protected from Minako's arms, then I faked right and with a shift of hand under my legs I tried getting past her but she was persistent. I had to count on my height and jump, I took my two steps and jumped as high as I could, Minako didn't flinch and jumped just as high so I resorted to detaching one hand from the ball to shove Minako's hands away from it and gently plopped it in the net. I heard everyone gasp in amazement as my feet touched the ground again.


Minako said excitedly as she held up her hand for a high five. I quickly slapped it with mine.

Y/N: You're not so bad yourself!


Practice ended and I was ecstatic, me and Minako quickly became friends and found out we lived close to each other so we could walk home together. We walked to the boys' gym to see if Kuroo was finished yet but they were still training. I slid the gym door open and apologetically waved at the coach, he signaled me to come in and watch the rest of the training. Me and Minako walked in and I quickly introduced her to the coach and sensei. Kuroo hadn't realized I was there and when practice ended he ran up to me happily and kissed me while grabbing me by the waist.

KUROO: Hey, baby. Didn't see you there.
Y/N: Uhm, Tetsu, this is my friend Minako from basketball. Minako, this is my boyfriend Kuroo Tetsurou.
MINAKO: Nice to meet you!
KUROO: Likewise!

They both smiled and once they shook hands Kuroo went on to change so we could leave.

MINAKO: Wow, you've only been here a few months and you're already dating the captain of the volleyball team!
Y/N: Huh, the captain*. I'd never thought of him like that...

(wink wink)*

Kuroo finally came out of the club room, locked up the gym and started walking towards our houses with us. We dropped Minako off along the way after a nice chat with her and continued along the road toward our house.

It was the best first day I could've ever imagined.

(Ok so yeah uhm I made some OCs based mostly on people I know but some are kinda like Haikyuu characters, for example Mai has big Daichi energy and Minako is a mix between Inuoka and Suga so yea sorry for the basketball focus but idk I just really wanted reader-chan to be a strong athletic woman if you know what I mean lmao)

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