Chapter 19.

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(I'm just gonna try my hand at an external narrator for a bit)

KUROO: Not yet, baby, just a few more seconds.
Y/N: Come on! you're squashing my bangs!

She tried to move the bedhead's hands which were covering her eyes.

KUROO: Alright alright, open up.
Y/N: What's this?

She glanced at the hand holding an envelope as she took it into hers.

KUROO: Just open it!
Y/N: Okay, okay.

She wripped the paper with her fingers and revealed two tickets for that weekend's anime and games convention.

KUROO: Heheh, I thought you'd wanna go since I got you into anime so much, I also got one for Kenma since there's going to be a lot of videogame stuff and another one so you can invite one of your friends.

She lunged at him causing him to fall flat on the bed with her on top of him, she pulled herself up a bit to look at him and then placed a sweet kiss on his lips.

Y/N: You really are the best boyfriend ever.
KUROO: Happy birthday, (y/n).


Y/n was already planning what she was going to wear and what she wanted to see when she realized she didn't know who she was going to bring with her, sure she had friends but she didn't know their interests enough.
Not knowing what to do she went to the closest friend she had.

MINAKO: Happy birthday, (y/n)!
Y/N: Thank you!
MINAKO: Are you going to have a birthday party this weekend?
Y/N: Oh, well, about that. Say, Minako...

She glanced up from eating her lunch with curious eyes.

Y/N: Do you like anime?
MINAKO: Well, I guess I've watched some, but I'm not that into them, heh...
Y/N: Oh, alright... It's just, Tetsurou got me tickets to animecon and I have an extra one, I thought you could come with us, but-
MINAKO: Wait, animecon and games?
Y/N: Yeah...
MINAKO: If there's videogames I'm there! I'm kind of a nerd for them, hehe.
Y/N: Really?! Yay, this is perfect! While me and Tetsurou are off for anime stuff you can hang out with Kenma! He also likes videogames, maybe a bit too much.

She chuckled thinking back on the other day when he was so engrossed in his psp that he walked into a wall.

MINAKO: O-oh! Kozume-san?
Y/N: Yup! Do you have a problem with him? Cause you don't have to hang out with him, I'll stay with you if you want...
MINAKO: N-no, there's no problem, I'm totally okay with him.


KENMA: Did you tell (y/n) yet?
KUROO: I did, this morning, she was hyped!
KENMA: So who's she bringing?
KUROO: I don't know yet but I bet it's going to be Minako, those two are basically inseparable, sometimes I have to drag (y/n) away from her to spend some time together.

Kenma nodded in understanding and walked away staring at his phone.

KUROO: Watch out for walls!

He chuckled and then proceeded to put everything back in its rightful place in the gym. He was just putting all the balls back until he heard the door open and in walked his girl, radiant, and as stunning as ever.

KUROO: Heyyy, what are you doing here?
Y/N: Looking for you, obviously. What are you doing here at this time of day?
KUROO: We had a short practice during lunchtime since we have a tough practice match next week.

She shrieked, holding her head.

KUROO: Now, now. Don't worry, I'll be right there on the sidelines cheering you on, you can do this, (y/n).
Y/N: God I hope I don't embarrass myself, I want to get through the prelims but what if it's different here? What if-
KUROO: (y/n), calm down, this is nothing like it was back then. You're not on your own, your friends and teammates are right there with you on the court, it's not you versus nine people anymore, it's five on five, fair and square. If anything it's unfair for the other team since you're so amazing.

He grinned and walked closer to her wrapping his arms around her and giving her a kiss on the cheek. (Y/n) pouted and looked up at him, stepping on her tiptoes to reach his mouth but she was still too short so he bent his head down and met her halfway.

KUROO: You're going to do great, (y/n)...


MAI: Nekoma!
ALL: Go, go, go!

The players yelled in unison and the game was ready to start. Being the tallest (y/n) was the one who had to do the jump ball. She positioned herself at one side of the half court and her opponent was on the other.

(A/N: I can't be bothered to find names so I'll use jersey numbers)

Y/N: Good luck.
#5: You too.

As soon as the referee got the okay he tossed the ball in the air, (y/n) was seeing things as if they were in slow motion and she was quick enough to flick the ball at the back where Mai was, ready to bring the ball to the opponent's side of the court. The captain recieved it and made her way to the three pointer line. She held her fingers in an L sign, signaling the play they were going to be doing, everyone moved perfectly synchronized and the slot opened for (y/n) to get a clean shot. Ayumi was in the left wing position and passed it to (y/n) across the half court like a missile, making it bounce once on the wooden floor and arrive in her hands with perfect timing, just as she was taking her two steps of the layup. (Y/n) softly plopped the ball into the net as if there weren't even any defenders around her, the opponents looked at eachother, astonished, and (y/n) just simply ran back to the defense, unbothered and untouched by all the stares of people who had never seen anyone so in control of the ball and their surroundings.


The opponents did their best but Nekoma was just too strong, (y/n) was truly the glue that brought the team together, and it was showing.
Any other player that played at her level would've scored every single point and taken everything for themselves, but not (y/n). Even if she had the shot she'd pass the ball to have someone else score while still being conscious of if it was the right thing to do or not. She was the opposite of her previous teammates and everything in Nekoma was working out perfectly.

#20 made her way to the hoop passing through all the defenders with her quick dribbling but as soon as she thought she'd done it, the ball came flying back at her head. (Y/n) had brutally rejected it with all her might and man did it feel good.


The players high fived and suddenly a voice roared out from the crowd.


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