Chapter 12.

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I couldn't even remember how I fell asleep that night, I just woke up to Kuroo big spooning me and basically circling me with his body since his legs were pulled up as if we was trying to curl into a ball while hugging me. I didn't feel so great, we had some pretty sketchy food the evening before and so my stomach was a bit sore. I tried getting out of his hold to go to the bathroom but he wasn't flinching, he decided I was his and I would never get away. But I really had to go to the bathroom.

Y/N: Come on, Tetsu. Please I don't feel well?
KUROO: What? What's wrong? Are you hurt? Are you bleeding? CAN YOU BREATHE?

He suddenly sat up and stared checking me for symptoms to any sickness known to man.
It was... pretty cute...

Y/N: Just... let me go to the bathroom...

My stomach growled. I ran to the toilet as I felt my body ready to reject the food poisoning and just in time I was able to throw up only in the toilet.

Y/N: Ughhhgh

I groaned, food poisoning was the worst.

KUROO: What's w- h- YAWNNN- what's wrong?

He asked as he sleepily walked into the bathroom, rubbing his eyes.

Y/N: Ughhghhhgh

I groaned, my head on the toilet seat and as quickly as possible tried to flush the toilet to prevent Kuroo from seeing but he picked me up before I could.

KUROO: Stop worrying about the small things, you're just as perfect to me.

He smiled as he carried me back to his room and laid me down on the bed. Then I heard a flushing sound; right after he came in with a bucket and a tall bottle of water.

KUROO: If you feel sick you can puke here, and when you do take a sip of water. I'm going to practice today since I missed a few days. Don't die, baby, alright?
Y/N: R-right.
KUROO: See you later, love you...
Y/N: Luh u tOo...

I attempted to say but it came out as if I was drunk and I heard Kuroo chuckle as he left with his stuff in his bag and went to the gym.
Time went by super slowly and I could hear my mind melting with boredom as i laid on the bed, my face squished against a pillow. I wallowed in my own sickness and groaned out of annoyance. When was Kuroo coming back?
I started tapping through my phone and ended up watching some anime, since I'd never watched them before.
(Yes, yes I know. Ironic)
I kind of liked them so I watched more until i could feel my eyes close involuntarily.

Y/N: Jeeeez, Kuroo's still not here? Oh well I guess I'll just have to fall asleep without him...

Easier said than done. I'd gotten used to being in his arms at all times and needed him 24/7, nevertheless I did my best to fall asleep anyway hugging the pillows as if they were his chest.



Kenma sighed and tossed to him, I noticed him eyeing a slot past my arms so I moved and the ball bounced back on his side of the court.

KUROO: Hehe.
LEV: Ughh!
INUOKA: Don't mind, Lev!


KUROO: Nice practice everyone!
KENMA: So how's (y/n)-san?
KUROO: She doesn't feel too well, I hope she'll be better tomorrow so I can introduce her to everyone...

I walked home anxiously excited to see my girl and when I got there, as expected, she was fast asleep hugging some pillows. I smiled at that cute sight of her and quickly snapped a picture before changing and slipping into bed. I pulled her by the waist and hugged her from the back, holding her small figure into me. She wasn't actually that small, she was medium height and taller than most girls I knew, but compared to me she was tiny and I loved that.

Y/N: Hi Tetsu...

She whispered softly, I could barely contain my heart from exploding hearing her speak like that.

Y/N: How was practice?
KUROO: It was great, Lev could barely get past me...
Y/N: That's great, Tetsu.

She whispered sleepily, and I pulled her tighter to me letting her know she was the cutest thing I'd ever had.

Y/N: Goodnight, Tetsu.
KUROO: Goodnight, (y/nn)*...

Nothing could beat that moment right there and then, me and her.

(As in nickname)*



Y/N: mmmffjfhfbg
KUROO: How are you feeling today, (y/n)?
Y/N: Better, but I don't wanna get uuuuup.
KUROO: Come on, we've gotta get you settled down at school, I picked up you uniform last night, you just need to meet with the principal and you're good, ok?
Y/N: Fine.

I saw her as she bluntly got undressed beneath my eyes as if it were nothing and I wasn't sure if I should watch or not.

Y/N: What? OH CRAP.

She ran into the bathroom realizing what happened and I laughed, but the image of her body wouldn't leave my mind the entire day. Sure we'd... done things... But we hadn't even done it yet so we were still hesitant with these things. She presented herself in her short black skirt, her red tie and black cardigan on top of a white shirt, she patted on the clothes to get rid of any wrinkles and looked at me, two strands of hair pulled out of her bun swooshing as she looked up.

Y/N: Shall we go?

She asked while picking up her bag. I was still in awe of her, never had clothes that simple looked that good on someone.

KUROO: Y-yeah, let's go.


I had put the alarm early so I'd have time to take her to the principal's office and then to class. As we entered school grounds some girls were observing us and I felt (y/n)'s hand trembling a little.

Y/N: U-uhm, who are those girls?
KUROO: I'm pretty sure that's the girls' basketball team. I'm sure they're eyeing you for your height and they want you on the team, that's all.
Y/N: O-uhm, I gue-
AYUMI: Hey! I've never seen you around here, what's your name?
Y/N: O-oh, hi, I'm new, my name is (l/n) (f/n)...

(insert your country lmao)*

Y/N: Y-yup, that's me...
MAI: I told you it was her! Hi I'm Mai, this is Chieko and Ayumi. We're on the basketball team here at Nekoma, I'm captain. You should consider joining... We could really use someone like you on our team.
Y/N: Uhm, this is a lot to process but, I'll think about it, alright?
MAI: Sure, we practice this afternoon if you want to see how it is.
Y/N: Alright, I'll swing by after volleyball practice, I'm kind of manager right now, but I'll come for sure.
AYUMI: Yay!! We'll see you there!! Byyyyyee~~!

I was still completely speechless at the newfound information.

KUROO: Y- nation- f-famous-
Y/N: I really didn't think anyone would recognize me here... This is trippy. And by the way it's under 20 nationals. I'm not as big as you think.
KUROO: N-nationals-s

I muttered and she pulled my arm towards the school entrance, we were about to be late.


PRINCIPAL: That's all, thank you for stopping by, and thank you Kuroo for showing her around.
KUROO: Not a problem, sir!
Y/N: Thank you, have a nice day.

We left in a hurry as we were almost late for class, I dropped her off at the second year's class, gave her a quick peck goodbye and hurried to my own class.

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