Chapter 25.

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A/N: Holy frrrrricckkydiccky i can't believe this book made it to #8 in #haikyuuxreader LMAO

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A/N: Holy frrrrricckkydiccky i can't believe this book made it to #8 in #haikyuuxreader LMAO. I've been seeing so many saves and votes recently and it truly warms my heart🥺🥺 I was writing this book in my spare time just for fun and to get my daydreams out LMAO anyways, I imagined that somehow people would see it eventually but it kinda feels unreal that people actually want to see how I make this story go on, it's cray! Anyways tysm for reading, I'll do my best to upload more frequently and perhaps make chapters a bit longer. Right now I have a picture for the story but I can't put it down so that it's not super short you know, I want it to last but ugh my creativity has been showing itself in the weirdest places recently and I can't seem to concentrate it into this... Forgive me aahhh!!
Okay I'm sure you're sick of reading this so let's get on with the story💞💞


(y/n) laid on Kuroo's chest, peacefully sleeping after yet another late night of doing... it.
They'd been going at it non stop since (y/n) got there; and who could blame them? Six months apart is a long time. This newfound relaxment (y/n) experienced was definitely a helping hand in her training camp. Five days had passed and the camp was nearly over, scouts were starting to make their decisions on who to pick for scholarships, and all of the girls grew more and more focused on proving themselves, and while (y/n) was focusing on performing well, Kuroo was trying to hide the overwhelming pain making its way to his heart each second that passed nearing (y/n)'s departure back to Nekoma. He didn't want to burden her with his own problems so he just decided not to say anything and pretend like he was fine.

The alarm rang and as she groaned, (y/n) buried her face deeper into Kuroo's chest who was now trying to reach her bedside table to switch the alarm off.

KUROO: Come on, (y/n), today's your last day of camp before they choose the scholarship winners.
Y/N: Mffgghfhg

She groaned once again and Kuroo grabbed her by the shoulders to push her slightly away, only to bring her into a sweet kiss on the lips.

Y/N: Okay, I'll get up if you do that again.
KUROO: I'd do it everyday for the rest of my life if I could but unfortunately for both of us, I can't.

He gave her a quick peck and got up from the bed, starting to get dressed as (y/n) watched him take his hoodie off to pull a knit sweater over his head, biting her lip at the sight of his abs.

KUROO: Don't look at me like that, I don't have time to fuck you right now.

(y/n) frowned as she crawled to the edge of the bed and looked at him with puppy eyes.

KUROO: Later...

(y/n) grinned and got up from the bed herself, making her way to the bathroom to get ready.


Kuroo dropped (y/n) off as they were doing for the past week and drove to the university. As soon as she stepped out of the car his smile would fade into a stoic expression which for Kuroo meant frowning.
Bokuto had been noticing his change in attitude for the past couple days and was wondering what had happened, but he didn't dare to ask.


OIKAWA: Kuroo-chan!
KUROO: (Grrr. Stop calling me that.)

Kuroo spiked the ball all the way to the corner of the court in a straight line avoiding the blockers. Unfortunately the ref signaled it to be out and the practice match ended, Kuroo's team losing.

KUROO: Fuck.
BOKUTO: Don't beat yourself up, Kubro, this is just proof that I'm better! HAHAHAH!

Kuroo ran both of his hands through his hair before sliding them onto his face.

BOKUTO: Kubro? Are you okay? It's just a practice match there's no need t-
KUROO: It's not the match... I'm fine.
BOKUTO: You don't look fine, what's wrong?
KUROO: Nothing, I'm fine, really.
BOKUTO: Come on, we're bros, we tell eachother everything...

Kuroo sighed and looked up.

KUROO: (y/n)'s leaving tomorrow afternoon.
OIKAWA: Eh~? (y/n)? That's a girl's name! Kuroo-chan! Do you have a girlfriend?!
BOKUTO: Oh, I'm sorry bro. Well, you just have to resist the rest of the year and then she'll be able to come here.
KUROO: I know, but I can't be without her so long, I miss her too much...
OIKAWA: Is she pretty? Is she cute? Can I meet her?
(I bet I could steal her from him)
KUROO: Not to mention, she can only stay if she gets a scholarship, and I have full faith in her abilities, but I'm just scared, ya know?
BOKUTO: Oohhh...
OIKAWA: Abilities? What abilities? Does she play volleyball? Is she good? What position does she play?
Y/N: Actually, I play center in basketball, if I'm who you're talking about...
KUROO: (Y/N)?! What are you doing here??
OIKAWA: Ohhhh, so you're the famous girl... You are cute...
KUROO:Back off, Oikawa, she's mine.

He grabbed her waist and pulled her close.

OIKAWA: Not for long...
KUROO: So? What're you doing here so early?
Y/N: They let me off early at camp because... I got accepted for a scholarship early!!

He hugged her tightly.

Y/N: I know!! I can't believe this! I got into one of the most prestigious filmmaking colleges here!
KUROO: God, you amaze me more every day. You are the most talented person I've ever met, I love you so much.

He hugged her again and her cheeks started to grow red.

Y/N: Best part is, they told me to stay in town a day longer to talk over the details so we'll have more time together!
KUROO: This day just keeps getting better...

He smiled and lifted her chin up to kiss her softly.
Bokuto was smiling at them, Ushijima, who had just finished dismantling the net and putting the balls away was confused and Oikawa was just green with envy.

OIKAWA: Ehm Ehm! Miss (y/n), I'm sure you'll find me extremely attractive, what do you say we ditch this nerd and go out tonight?
Y/N: Ew no, Tetsu make him go away.

Kuroo smiled at her and gave her a kiss on the cheek for the opportunity to punch Oikawa and then began to chase him all over the gym wile Uhijima watched with slightly widened eyes and Bokuto laughed so hard he couldn't breathe.

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