Chapter 32.

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KUROO: Let me help you up...

He said as he lent out his hand and passed (y/n) her crutches.

Y/N: Thanks.

She replied as she stood up, balancing herself on her good leg and slowly putting the one in the cast on the ground.

KUROO: Are you sure you can deal with crutches? You don't want a wheelchair?
Y/N: God no, that's depressing.
KUROO: It's also safer since you have a concussion...
Y/N: Had a concussion.
KUROO: You're still not fine, the only reason you're getting out of the hospital is because we have to go back to japan and talk to your uni scout about what happened.
Y/N: Oh god, don't remind me. He's probably wanting to revoke my scholarship.
KUROO: Oh please, you're such a valuable player, as if they'd just let you slip through their fingers.
Y/N: There's always someone else who's better...
KUROO: If there were they wouldn't have chosen you.
Y/N: Come on, Tetsu. I'm unusable like this. Who the hell would want me with a broken knee and after short memory loss.
KUROO: (y/n), trust me. High school sports are so much different from college. It's a whole different system. Just because you're hurt doesn't mean you'll lose your chances. The school will invest into bringing you back to your top form so you can play for them. Trust me, I know how it works.
Y/N: We'll see when we talk to the scout.


(y/n) plopped onto the bed, letting her crutches fall on the floor and make an extremely loud sound.

Kuroo heard it from the kitchen and ran to the room expecting the worst.

KUROO: What happened? Did you fall? Are you okay?
Y/N: I'm fine, relax...

She sighed into the pillow.

Kuroo quickly realized the situation and smiled. He picked up her crutches and gently placed them leaning against the wall. He then proceeded to sit on the bed next to his beached girlfriend and gave her a kiss on her head.

KUROO: Wanna watch Tita-
KUROO: Ok, I'll put it on...

He chuckled as he grabbed the computer.
(y/n) cuddled up onto his chest as she watched the newly released second season of Titans, her eyes never leaving the computer screen.

After a long time (y/n) was still insisting on continuing the binge while Kuroo fought her to go to bed but she wasn't budging.

KUROO: Come on, you can watch more tomorrow, I BEG YOU.
Y/N: No, sh. Cliffhanger.
KUROO: That's it.

He sighed and closed the laptop picking it up and placing it into his drawer, far away from (y/n)'s reach.

Y/N: NO.

He said as he wrapped his arms around her immobilizing her.

KUROO: Goodnight.
KUROO: Shhhh...

He shushed her as he caressed her hair until she was calm.

KUROO: You gotta get some sleep or you'll never make it tomorrow.
Y/N: I'll never make it in anything anyway so what's the point?

Kuroo's face morphed into a confused one and he flipped her around to look at her.

KUROO: Hey, where's this coming from?
Y/N: Look at me. I'm a mess. I can't even walk on my own, let alone lead my team to nationals in my last year of high school.

Her eyes started getting watery.

KUROO: Hey, hey. You're gonna be okay... You have your entire life ahead of you and you've already come so far, why give up now?
Y/N: I'm abandoning my teammates when they need me the most, what kind of captain am i supposed to be?
KUROO: First of all; you're not abandoning your teammates, and second; you're the kind of captain who lead them all the way to the finals and you're the same captain that's going to put her faith in them and trust that they can make nationals by carrying on her spirit.
Y/N: But I feel so useless...

She cried.

KUROO: You're not. All you gotta do is trust them and that's doing enough for them than you could ever do. Can you do it?
Y/N: I think so...
KUROO: Good. Now let's get some sleep so we can be productive tomorrow.

He said as he gently placed a kiss on her lips and hugged her tightly.

Y/N: ( Just trust them )


A/N: Henlo, I'm back ( not really but kinda ), and I am crushing on someone again for the first time after my breakup and I'm like🥺🥺🥺. You can expect a lot of fluff in both this book and my Akaashi book and I think I'm gonna start my oneshot book soon bc i have so many ideas to write down😳. Anyways, I hope to be able to get this book back off the ground soon and tysm for all the reads and votes, please if u have something to say don't hesitate to say it, i appreciate ur comments they always make me smile, u guys are hilarious. Ok ok, that's all for today, bye and be sure to check out my Akaashi book too🥺🥺🥺💞💞💞

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