Chapter 11 - Letter

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You ran and sat with at your table. The others welcomed you and you looked over at the twins who gave you a thumbs up. You smiled and an old man who intruded himself as Dumbledore stood.

"Welcome students, new and old. Hogwarts is a fun and wonderful place. please, make friends, learn and grow." Dumbledore said and with a wave of his hand, your table, that was empty of food suddenly filled with food. You smiled and started to fill your plate with all the food you love. As you ate, people started to talk with you and congratulate you on getting into (your house). That night, as you followed your prefect to your common room, you couldn't help but look at the moving portraits. You walked in and followed the other first year girls to the girl's dorm and fell on your bed with a smile. Life was going perfect.

You woke to a beeping and let out a groan. You sat up and gave a yawn. You looked and saw others getting ready and stood. You took a quick shower, died off and got dressed. As you sat at your table, the twins came over and sat with you.

"Hey (y/n). After class today you want to look around the school?" Fred asks. You smile and nod.

"I would love to." You say and finish eating and stood up. The twins also stood and walked with you. You and the twins all had classes together every day, but it was only one class. You had different classes the rest of the day. After you first two classes, you had lunch. You were eating when the mail started to be delivered. You didn't think you would get anything, but a small letter fell next to you. You took and read it out loud.

"Dear (y/n),

Fred and George told me you got placed in (your house). I'm happy to hear that. If anyone give your trouble, my two sons will help you out and you tell me. I will set them straight.


Molly Weasley."

You game a smile and hugged the letter. You never thought you would get a letter as your parents were muggles, so this letter made you happy. You put the letter back in the envelope and placed it in your bag. Fred and George then came up to you.

"Hey, we have to go to class, but we will see you after class, OK?" George asks. You nod.

"Yeah, see you later." You said and stood. You saw the twins run off and smiled. You walked out but as you did, you didn't see the people walking slow and holding something as you dumped into him. you weren't going that fast but it still knocked you to the ground. You put your hands out to stop but only managed to land on your left hand. you let out a small hiss of pain and held it.

"Watch where you're going." You heard and looked, seeing Draco. You gave him a small glare.

"Don't stand in the middle of the hall." You said and stood, looking at your wrist. It was a bit red, but it wasn't swollen. Draco looks and you see him gasp a bit.

"You OK?" He asks. You looked at him.

"What do you care?" You asked. Draco looks at you.

"Listen, I might not like your blood, but I don't want you hurt." Draco says. You looked at him but show him your wrist. He looks at it.

"Looks like you just landed on it wrong. I can take you to Madam Pomfrey if you want." Draco said. You looked at him.

"No. Thank you. I have fallen before. I would rather just get to class." You said and started to walk.

"I can walk with you." Draco says and walks next you to. You look at him.

"No." You say.       

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