Chapter 3 - Diagon Ally.

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You looked up at the sign that read Leaky Cauldron and looked back at the paper in your hand. You re-read it a few times. On the back of it had a note about the Lecky Cauldron. 

"It does say the Leaky Cauldron on the back." You said and swallowed the lump in your throat and pushed the door open. You stuck your head in and saw people inside. 

"Oh dear. Another muggle." You hear and saw a man pull out a stick.

"Um, excuse me, do you know where Diagon ally is?" You asked the man, who stopped. 

"Hogwarts?" He asked. You gave a nod and held up your letter. The man just laughed and put the stick away. Was that a wand?

"I'm sorry. Muggles are always coming in. I'm Tom. The landlord and innkeeper of the Leaky Cauldron." Tom said. You smile and held out your hand. 

"(y/n). (y/n) (l/n)." You said. Tom smiled and shook your hand.

"Pleasure. Lets get you to Diagon ally." He said and starts to walk. You nod and follow him. He brings you to a small courtyard with a brick wall. He takes out his stick, that has to be a wand, and taps a few of the bricks. The wall then moves. 

"Have fun." Tom says and leaves. Your mouth drops and you walk though the now brick arch way. 

"Wow." You said as you saw people walking around. You continued to walk and looked in a few windows. 

"Galleons?" You whispered when you looked at the prices of some cauldrons and looked around. You walked up to a lady. 

"Excuse me madam?" You asked the lady who looked at you and smiled.

"Hello, do you need help?" She asked. You gave a nod. 

"Yes. Whats a Galleon?" You asked. The lady laughed. 

"You must be a muggleborn. It's OK deary. You see that large building right there?" The lady asked and pointed to a building down the street. You gave a nod. 

"That's Gringotts. It's our bank. Talk to one of the goblins and they will help you." She said. You gave a smile.

"Thank you." You said and walked off. You walked into the building and looked around. It was a bit crowded but you found an open booth and saw a goblin who was writing something. 

"Excuse me sir?" You asked. The goblin looked at you. 

"Yes?" It asked. You became a bit nervous.

"C-Can I open an account?" You asked. The goblin smiled and put his quill down and grabbed a paper that was in front of him. He then grabbed the quill again and biped it into an ink well. 

"Of course. Can I have your full name?" He asked. 

"(Your full name)." He wrote it down. He then got other information from you before he put the paper in a bin. 

"Alright. Follow me." He said and walked. You followed behind him and got into a large roller coaster looking cart. The goblin sat in front with you behind him and when the cart started to move, you saw it was heading down. It then stopped. 

"Vault 932." He said. You got out and he took out a key from his pocket and opened it. He then handed you the key and you looked in. 

"Throw in your money." He said. You took out your money. It was 5000 pounds. You throw it in and suddenly, gold, silver and bronze coins appeared. 

"You have 1659 Galleons, 3 Sickles and 26 Knuts" The goblin said as he handed you a bag. You put a bit of each type in your bag. 

"Thank you." You said as you finished and locked the vault.  

"Your...Welcome." The goblin said slowly, almost unsure. Once out, you put your pouch in your bag but when you looked up, someone bumped into you and made you fall, landing on your butt. 

"Ow." You said and looked up to see twins with red hair. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't see you there." One of them said and held his hand out. You took it with your left hand and he helped you up. 

"It's OK." You said. They smiled. 

"Names Fred." "And George." "Whats your name?" Fred said first, then George, then they said it together.   

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