Chapter 55 - Ben's fate.

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You looked and saw the walls were still standing strong and knew people tried hard to put it out so they could save the building.

"Amazing right?" You heard and froze. You turned and saw Draco. He was looking at you from the door way.

"Don't bother trying to escape. If you do, Fred and George die. On second thought, leave. I would love for them to die." Draco says and laughs. You hold Ben closer to you. 

"I see you gave birth. Good. Now we can raise the dark lord." Draco says and snaps his fingers. A few man appear. 

"Lets go. Father is waiting." Draco says and they grab your arm, apparating away. When you land, you see your in Malfoy Manor. You see Fred and George being held back but they looked unharmed.

"Fred! George!" You called out and took a step forward but they hold you back.

"Don't worry about us, we are fine." Fred says. You then hear laughing and look, seeing Lucius and Narcissa. 

"Yes, don't worry about them. Worry about your child." Lucius says. You glare at him and you feel Ben grab your shirt and let it go, grabbing it again.

"Bring in the dark lords wand. Lets get this over with." Lucius says. You see Pansy walk in, holding both a child and a wand.

"Here you go." She say and looks at you and smiles. Draco walks up, kissing her and takes the child, which crys a bit. 

"Shhh, its OK Lottie." Draco says. Lucius walks and takes the wand from her and puts in on the ground. 

"Grab the child." He says and one of the people try to take Ben. You kick him.

"Don't you Dare touch my child!" You scream. Ben starts to cry from the loudness but you don't let anyone near him. Lucius growls and walks up and grabs your throat, squeezing softly. You try not to loosen your grip but it was hard. He then took Ben and let you go. 

"No!" You cry out and they grab you. You fight them and see him walk up to the wand.

"With this child's blood, we will have the dark lord back." Lucius says and holds out a knife as Ben crys. His back was to you. Your eyes go wide and in a flash, you step on the foot of the one holding you. You then move and kick him in between the legs. When he lets you go, you grab his wand, point it at Lucius and say the only spell that you can think of before he brings the knife to Ben's hand.

"Avada Kedavra!" You scream and a green light comes out.  

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