Chapter 26 - Friends

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You laughed as you walked out of Honeydukes with Fred and George.

"Oh, (y/n), we forgot to tell you, we got to meet Harry Potter and Ron is his friend!" They said. You smiled.

"Who's Harry Potter?" You asked. They stopped.

"You don't know who Harry Potter is?" Fred asked and you shook your head but George smacked him.

"Remember she is a muggle born." George said and Fred slaps his forehead.

"That's right. Sorry (y/n), Harry Potter is the boy that lived." Fred says and they both start telling you the story.

"Wow, so Voldemort just, died?" You asked. They gave a nod.

"Yeah. hey, when we go back, let's find him and you can meet him!" George said. You smiled.

"I would like that." You said. They smiled and you all continued before you walked back. as you did, you saw Ron and gave a wave.

"Hey Ron!" You yelled. Ron looked, as did a boy with black hair and a girl with long curly hair. He waved and turned to the two others as you walked up with the twins.

"Hey Harry, we wanted you to meet our friend. (y/n), this is Harry. Harry, this is our best friend (y/n)." They said and gave you a guy. you laughed.

"Hi Harry. Nice to meet you." You said and held your hand out. Harry smiled and took it, shaking it.

"Nice to meet you. Ron has told me about how you are just like Fred and George." You laughed.

"Guilty." You said and they all laughed.

"And this is Hermione." Ron said. You smiled and shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you." You said and she gave a smile and a nod. You waved as they left. As they leave, Draco comes running over.

"Hey, sorry that I'm late. Did you guys have fun?" Draco asks. You smiled and gave a nod.

"Yeah." You said and started to tell him what you did as you walked but saw that the twins were silent. You turned and looked at them.

"Guys, you OK?" You asked. They gave a nod, but you know something was up. You turned to look at Draco.

"Draco, give us a second." You said. Draco gave a nod.

"Sure, see you guys in the great hall." Draco said and left. You looked at them.

"What's wrong?" You asked. They look at each other hen back at you.

"Nothing, don't worry." George said but it sounded like he was mad.

"George, Fred, tell me." You said. They sigh and walk but you follow them.

"Guys, hey guys what!" You yell as you run up to them.

"It's nothing (y/n), we just don't want you to keep your boyfriend waiting." Fred snapped. You looked a bit shocked and stopped. They sighed and turned to you.

"(y/n)..." They said together and walked over and hugged you. You hugged them back.

"Sorry." Was all they said but you could still tell they were upset about something. You gave a nod and looked at them.

"It's OK. I'm sorry too. Tell me when you are ready." You said and they smiled.

"You got it." They say together and you all walk into the great hall together.                

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