Chapter 46 - Umbridge and the Head Boy and Girl

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You had calmed down by the time the train came to a stop. You and the twins all got into one cartage and refused to let Draco in. You saw him smile and shrugged. The calmness that he gave scared you but once the cartage started to move, you forgot about it. Once the cartage stopped, the twins helped you down and walked in with you.

In the great hall, all the teachers were sitting but Dumbledore was nowhere to be seen. The tables where already filling in. You sat at your table and the twins walked and sat at the only space left at the Gryffindor table. Once the room was filled and the sorting hat ceremony finished, the room was filled with whispers of where Dumbledore was.

The door then opened next to the teachers and everyone looked, seeing a lady wearing all pink walk in and up to the podium. the room became silent as she stopped and looked out upon the students.

"Hello Hogwarts. My name is Dolores Jane Umbridge. I am your new Head Mistress. Dumbledore has retired and I was sent by the ministry to replace him." Umbridge said. The room was filled with whispers and you looked at the twins, who looked at you.

"May the Head boy and Head girl please come to my office when you finished eating please?" Umbridge said before sitting down. The food appeared but you lost your appetite as you had a bad feeling about what was going to happen. You were lost in thought when everyone started to stand and leave. You stood and followed your house mates, waving to Fred and George, who were still eating.

Once in your dorm room, you sat on your bed and sighed.

"What's going to happen this year?" You whispered.

"(y/n)?" You heard and looked. It was your prefect.

"The head mistress is asking for you. I will escort you." You heard and let out a sigh. You just wanted to sleep but stood and followed. As you walked, you saw a Hufflepuff girl crying, and a Ravenclaw boy who looked pissed as they left Umbridge's office. You walked up the stairs and saw Dumbledore's office was now pink and had moving plates that had kittens on them. You saw her smile.

"Hello my dear, please sit." She said and you did. Once you did, she smiled.

"Our last guest is here, come and sit next to miss (l/n). " Umbridge said and you looked, seeing Draco.

"I wish to congratulate you both on becoming Head boy and Head girl." Umbridge said. Your mouth dropped.

"Now, you both will have your own dorm room, but your common room will be shared. Your things have been moved. Go on. I will inform you of your duty's tomorrow." She said and handed you both a badge that had your main house color on it with the words 'Head Girl." You wanted to run from fear and started to cry. Draco grabbed your arm.

"I will help her Head Mistress. Come on (y/n)." Draco said. You followed him, afraid of what would happen if you didn't.        

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