Chapter 35 - Confession.

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You were laughing as you walked with Draco to Hogsmeade.

"So, you always go with the twins to Flitchs office?" Draco asked. You nodded.

"Always. It's fun and with Peeves on our side, its easy." You said and gave another laugh. Draco smiled.

"Hey, I wanted to ask you something." Draco said and held your hand. You looked at him and smiled.

"Sure, ask away." You said. He smiled.

"My father got tickets to the Quidditch world cup. He got one for you also." Draco said. You gave a smile.

"Really?" You asked. Draco nodded.

"Yeah. You want to go?" Draco asked. You giggled and kissed him.

"I would love to." You said and he smiled, kissing you back.

"I will let my father know." Draco said. Your date went smoothly after that and walked back a few hours later with him, holding his hand and saw Fred and George walk up to you. You gave them a wave and they waved back.

"Hey Draco, mind if we kidnap (y/n) for a second?" Fred asked. You couldn't help but hear the worry in his voice.

"Yeah, is everything OK?" Draco asked. He must have heard the worry also.

"Yeah, we just need to talk to her about something." George said. Draco smiled.

"Then yeah, I don't mind." Draco said. Fred and George smiled, and Fred put his arms under your arms and George grabbed your feet, lifting you off the ground

"Hey!" You shouted with a laugh and they dragged you off. They took you to an empty classroom and put you down. You laughed and looked at them, but they looked serious. Your smiled faded.

"Guys?" You asked. they looked at each other than at you.

"(y/n). We have to tell you something." Fred said. You gave them a smile.

"Sure, what is it?" You asked. They walk up and your smile faded as they hugged you and kissed your cheeks.

"We like you..." You heard before they let you go and left the room. You didn't move as your cheeks turned red and you touched them.

'Fred and me?' You thought. You didn't know how to feel. You wanted to say you liked them also but what about Draco. You liked him also.

"What am I going to do?" You whispered to yourself.             

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