Chapter 53 - Running.

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You watched as Fred and George walked around the apartment, putting things into a small bag that had the Extension Charm placed on it. You sat on the bed, feeding Ben right now.

"Fred, make sure you grab the blueprints for our inventions. you know this place will be destroyed." George said. Fred gave a nod and put them in the bag. You felt sad but knew it was for the best. With them leaving school early, the Molfoy's will be coming here first.

"OK. We are ready. Let's start with the woods. We can use floo powder to go back to mom and dads and leave from there." Fred said. You then stood and burped Ben before fixing your shirt.

"We are ready." You said and placed Ben into a cloth that wrapped around you so you can hold him in front of you, but still have your hands free. George walked over and covered Ben up completely with a blanket so he wouldn't get ash on him.

"Let's go. (y/n), you and Ben go first." George said. you gave a nod and used the floo powder. You then walked into the Weasleys living room. Molly ran in.

"(y/n)?" Molly asked. You gave a nod and moved before Fred and George walked in. Molly then say you move the blanket and saw the head. She gasped.

"Is that?" She asked. Fred smiled and gave a nod.

"Yes but I'm sorry mom. We must leave now. The Malfoys..." George said but Molly put her hand up.

"Say no more. I expected this." Molly said and hands Fred a bag.

"In there is food for you all, blankets, pillows, candles and things for the baby. If they came here, they would never find you." Molly said and handed Fred and George something small. They looked and you saw it was spoons with their faces on it. Fred and George smiled at her with tears in their eyes.

"Thank you." Fred said and they hugged her. Molly had removed their spoons from the Weasley clock so no one would find them. Once they pulled back, you followed them out the door but looked at Molly.

"We named him Ben Weasley." You said as you walked. Molly smiled and waved as you all walked into the forest. After an hour, Ben woke and cried. You knew he needed to be changed.

"Guys, hold on. Ben needs to be changed." You said. Fred and George stop.

"Fred, use the Disillusionment Charm. We will make camp here tonight." George says and walks over as you lay put a blanket for Ben. As you take him out, George takes him.

"I can change him. You still need rest." George says and starts to go thought the bag for the items. You smile and see a small barrier come around you and Fred than starts to set up camp. George then lifts and holds a newly changed Ben.

"How's that?" He coos at Ben. Ben lets out a small yawn and George smiles.

"I think he will be the first Weasley to have silver hair." George says. You moved a bit closer, as does Fred.

"Wow, he does have silver hair." Fred says. You smiled. You didn't care that he had silver hair. You loved Ben. Fred then investigated the bag that Molly gave them and took out some biscuits, handing one to each of you.

"We leave tomorrow at sunrise." Fred says. You gave a nod. You knew it would be tiring because Ben woke every few hours for food or because he had to be changed, but to save his life, you all would do it. Fred looked in the bag again and gave a small laugh.

"Mom." He said in a sad voice with tears. You looked at him, as did George.

"She packed enough diapers and wipes to last Ben three years." Fred said and took out a diaper for a three-year-old. You, George and Fred all gave a small laugh.      

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