~Chapter 24 - Compartment and Year Three~

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"How was your summer Draco?" You asked. Draco smiled.

"Lonely but its better now." Draco said and you blushed.

"(y/n)!" Fred and George called, and you waved.

"I'm going to sit with Draco!" You called back and they gave you a thumbs up. You smiled and looked at Draco, who smiled back before taking your hand.

"I loaded my things, and father is helping with yours." You looked and saw Lucius standing but you saw your things going into the train.

"Draco, you didn't have too." You said looking at Draco as he walked on the train with you.

"I know, I wanted to. You are my girlfriend." Draco said. You blushed at that and he opened a compartment and sat down. You sat with him and he pulled you closer. He then whispered in your ear.

"So, did you miss me?" He asked. You gave a nod.

"Yeah. I had a lot of fun, but I did miss you." You said. Draco smiled and moved your head and kissed you. You closed your eyes and kissed him back. It felt right to kiss Draco, but something was off. You pulled away.

"Draco, is everything OK?" You asked. Draco smiled.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" Draco asked. You shrugged.

"I don't know. Something just seems off." You said. Draco sighed.

"It was a long and lonely summer without you. I missed you and letters weren't enough." He looked at you in the eyes.

"You can understand that, right?" Draco asked. You smiled and kissed him.

"I can." You answered. He smiled and kissed you, but you still felt like something was wrong. You both stopped kissing and you talked back and forth about what you did over the summer and before you knew it, the train stops. As your walking with Draco he whispers into your ear to meet him in an empty classroom on Sunday. You blush and nod.

"OK, but why?" You asked and Draco smiled, helping you into the carriage and leaned into your ear.

"Because I want to show you how much I missed you." Draco whispered as the Twins climbed into the carriage. You blushed more and gave a smile and a nod.

"(y/n)? You OK?" Fred and George asked together. you smiled and gave them a nod.

"Yeah, I'm great." You said.          

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