~Chapter 29 - The Fight and Year Four~

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Paris was fun. You saw many sights and you wrote and told Fred and George, but you never got one letter back. You did get the twins and the whole Weasley family a gift, but you wanted to hear from them. It was now two am in Paris and your fight home was in a few hours. You were on the patio, looking at the Eiffel Tower when you heard the door open and saw Narcissa come out.

"Dear, are you OK?" She asked. You smiled.

"Yeah, just thinking." You said. She gave a nod.

"I will let you think." She said and turned to leave.

"Mrs. Malfoy?" You called out and she stopped and looked at you.

"Can I ask you a question? Female to female?" You asked. She gave a sigh and walked out and sat.

"Yes dear, what's on your mind?" She asked. You moved a bit.

"I have two friends, but before we came here, on the train we had a small fight. I have sent them letters, but they haven't sent any back. I'm just scarred that they are still mad. My question is, if they are, how would you saw sorry?" You asked her. she was silent for a bit.

"I guess I would just keep saying sorry." She said, then stood.

"Try and sleep my dear. We leave soon." She said and walked back in. You gave a nod but looked back out into the night, scared.

You didn't get sleep that night but, on the plane, you did get some which was good because once home, it was time for school. You felt a shaking and looked, seeing Draco.

"We are back home. Come one, Father carried you to the limo so you could sleep more." Draco said. You smiled and stood, yawning. You walked out and into the platform. Once there, you saw the twins getting on and looked at Draco. Your gifts in your bag for them.

"Go." Draco said. You kissed him with a smile and ran. Once on, you looked and found the twins.

"Hey guys." You said. They looked at you and looked away. That hurt. you moved and sat down in front of them.

"Guys? Look, I'm sorry OK." You said. They looked at you. You smiled and took out their gifts. you had gotten them some cool trinkets.

"I thought you might like this because you can enchant them." You said. They looked at them but looked away and didn't say anything.

"Fred? George?" You asked.

"Just leave (y/n)." They said as the train started. You looked at them and got mad.

"No. Why won't you talk to me? Why didn't you answer my letters?" You asked. They looked at you.

"Because you won't listen to us. You don't believe us." Fred said.

"We didn't answer your letters because we didn't want to hear about Draco this and Draco that." George said. You looked pissed and stood, throwing their gifts to the ground.

"Fine! Don't take them and be jerks!" You yelled and moved to the door and opened it and looked at them again, tears in your eyes.

"And my letters never mentioned Draco. I wanted to know how your summer was going. I missed you guys, but I guess you didn't miss me!" You yelled. The twins stood.

"OH yeah? We doubt that. I bet your letters talked about how Draco took you here and there!" Fred yelled. By now people were looking out the compartments from all the noise.

"How would you know! You never read them!" You yelled back.

"Your right we didn't! We didn't want to read your lies! you never told us you kissed Draco!" George yelled.

"It's my love life! I don't have to tell you anything!" You yelled.

"Then leave!" They yelled together.

"Fine!" You yelled and ran to find an empty compartment. You finally found one and broke down crying. You heard knocking a few times but never answered it, not even for Draco. the twins had hurt you. You missed them yet they acted like you had betrayed them.    

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