Chapter 32 - Summer Surprise.

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The next day, you sat with the twins, going over the Blueprints and waited for Draco to return.

"Do we have to?" They whined and you laughed.

"Yes." You said and they sighed.

"Fine." They said and you saw people returning. you got up and ran over, seeing Draco. He hugged you tight and gave a spin.

"You seem happy. Did you have a good Christmas?" Draco asked. you gave a nod.

"Sorry I never replied to your letter, but I have good news." you said and Draco smiled, kissing you.

"What's that?" Draco asked. You smiled and waved to Fred and George to come over.

"I made up with them." You said and they walked over. Draco smiled.

"That's great!" He said. you smiled and Fred and George stopped and looked a bit nervous.

"Listen Draco...we umm...Sorry." They said. Draco smiled.

"Guys, don't worry about it." He said. They smiled.

"Well, we wanted to make it up to (y/n) and you. Mom and dad won something, and we are inviting you both." Fred said. You smiled.

"I would love to!" You said and hugged them. They smiled and hugged you back.

"That's great guys but I can't. My family and I are going to Japan. I was going to ask you (y/n), but I can let them know your busy." You smiled and kissed Draco.

"Thanks Draco, you're the best." You said and Draco smiled taking your hand.

"Hey, can we talk?" Draco asked. You gave a nod and waved to Fred and George and walked with Draco. Fred, they looked at George.

"Did it hurt you to see her kiss him?" Fred asked.

"Yeah. You?" George asked.

"Yeah." Fred said.

~With you.~

Draco pulled you into a classroom and kissed you, holding you tight. You smiled into the kiss. Draco then pulled away.

"I trust you but please, be careful." Draco said. You smiled.

"Draco, nothing will happen." You said. Draco smiled.

"Your right, sorry." He said and kissed you again. You smiled and he pushed you on the wall and kissed you. You blushed and kissed back.

"I missed you, you know, that right?" Draco asked as he pulled away. you gave a nod and held him. He held you back and glared at the wall.

'I swear, if they ruin all this work, I put in to this Mudblood, I will kill them myself!' Draco yelled in his head. He then pulled away and smiled.

"Go be with them OK." Draco said and kissed you again. You kissed Draco back and ran off.

~On the train~

You laughed with the twins as you all told jokes.

"Their boo? That's gold! Classic Peeves!" Fred said. You continue to laugh and saw that Fred and George where looking at you.

"What?" You asked. They smiled.

"We missed you." They said. You smiled.

"So, we want to tell you where we are going." They said. You moved closer to them.

"Where?" You asked. They gave a grin.

"Egypt!" They said together and your mouth dropped.              

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