~Chapter 18 - The Ride and Year Two~

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Fred and George asked you to sit with them on the train. They wanted to talk to you about the shop. You asked Draco before if you sit with them because he was sitting with Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle. He said it was fine and you hugged him and ran off to their compartment.

~With Draco~

He watched you leave and shuttered. Pansy looked at him.

"Are you sure you can handle this Draco?" Pansy asked. Draco gave a nod.

"I don't have a choice Pansy. I have to make her love me." Draco said. Pansy looked sad and upset. Draco looked at her and pulled her into a hug. She blushed a bit.

"If it helps Pansy, after the mudblood is gone, I will ask you to be my wife." Draco said. She smiled and hugged him and gave a nod.

"Then I will play along." Pansy said. Crabbe and Goyle laughed.

"You have to play along also." Draco said to them as he and Pansy pulled away. They rolled their eyes.

~With you~

You walked in and sat down.

"(y/n), can we be honest with you?" George asked as you sat. You looked worried but gave a nod.

"We are worried about you dating Draco." Fred said. You looked at them.

"Why?" You asked. You didn't want to hear it honestly, but Fred and George were your best friends.

"One, he called you a mudblood." "Two, we don't trust the Malfoy's." George said, the Fred. You gave a sigh.

"I'm sorry guys but I really like him." You said and looked sad. They moved, sitting next to you so you are in between them and hugged you.

"Sorry (y/n)." "Please don't be sad." George said, then Fred. You closed your eyes, feeling save in their arms.

"No, I'm sorry. I should listen to you guys. How about this. I will be careful OK. It's not like I'm going to stop hanging out with the best guys in the world." You said and opened your eyes. They smiled.

"Good. Now, about the shop. We all agree for it to be a joke shop right?" Fred asked. You and George gave a nod.

"Then we need to start small. Let's start by using our jokes at school then when it's known, we can sell them at school. You know, raise money for the building." George said. You smiled and took out a quill and parchment.

"Well, what are some jokes?" You asked and you all started to make the list of pranks till the train stopped moving.                 

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