Chapter 40 - Feelings

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You were sitting with Draco, kissing him when he pulls away.

"So, you are coming over for the summer, right?" Draco asked. You laughed.

"Draco, for the tenth time, yes. Fred, George and I are going to get the shop after we graduate next year." You said. The twins said you could tell Draco after winning the money. Draco smiled.

"Good. Father has something special planed." Draco said. You smiled.

"I have something special planed also Draco, but I will tell you once we get to your house and after I write to my parents, Fred and George." You said. Draco smiled and pulled you closer and kissed you again.

You were nervous about telling Draco you loved him, but you wanted him to know. You both have been dating for six years now and you haven't said it once yet. Once the train stopped, you got off, waved to the twins and left with Draco and Lucius.

"Hello (y/n). How was school?" Lucius asked you. you smiled.

"It was amazing. Draco and i danced at the yule ball and after, he took me out and we fell asleep under the stars." You said and blushed, Lucius smiled.

"That's wonderful to hear." Lucius said and you arrived at the Malfoy Manor.

"(y/n), go get settled in your room and write your letters. I need to Talk with my son." Lucius said. You gave a nod and left and began to write your letters. You put your wand in your suitcase before you started to write your letters, in a hidden part of it. You trusted Draco, but your father always told you to hide it, just in case something happened.

You had just sent both letters when a knock came to your door and you looked, seeing Draco enter and close the door. you smiled and stood, going over to him and kissed him. He kissed back.

"Hey, when you're ready, let's go for a walk before dinner, OK." Draco said. You smiled and gave a nod.

"Sure, but first, Draco, Can I tell you something?" You asked, feeling your heart race. He gave a nod and you walked him over and sat on the bed. Your face was beet red.

"Draco...I love you." You said. Draco looked shocked at first, then then smiled and kissed you. You kissed back and he pushed you down on the bed, getting on top of you and pinned you.

"I have been waiting for you to say that for years you stupid mudblood." Draco said. Your smiled fell.

"What?" You asked.

~A/N~ Warning, next chapter will have rape in it. I will put ~Start~ ~End~ to help you if you do not wish to read it. It won't be detailed, but I know it can trigger some people so this way you can skip it if it does trigger you.  

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