Chapter 27 - Angry

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You sat on the train with Fred and George, playing a game with some sound producing sweets. You had just eaten one and made a dolphin sound. You all laughed but you know something was on their minds.

"Guys?" You asked and they looked at you as Fred ate one and made a sound of a howler monkey.

"Yeah (y/n)?" George asked as he ate one and made a sound of a hawk.

"Draco asked me to spend the summer with him again and I said yes." You said. They stopped for a second and you saw them give a small glare at the ground.

"OH, that's good." Fred said but he had anger in his voice.

"Fred, Draco and his family are nice." You said. They looked at you.

"Yeah, we don't believe that." George said. You looked hurt and stood.

"Fine." You said and left.

"(y/n), wait!" You head them yell but you didn't and found Draco, who was talking with Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy.

"(y/n), you OK?" Draco asked. You shook your head and felt tears. Draco sighed and stood, hugging you.

"Guys, give us a moment." Draco said and the other three left.

"What happened (y/n)?" Draco asked as you sat down, and he sat with you.

"I told Fred and George that I was going with you to your house over the summer and they got mad and snapped at me." You said. Draco held you close.

"It's OK. Give them time and they will understand OK." Draco said. You gave a nod and leaned into him. He rubbed your back.

"You know, my father told me something, but it's a surprise. I can give you a hint but I won't tell you where we are going." Draco said. You looked at him and he wiped your tears.

"What's the hint?" You asked. Draco smiled and kissed you.

"We have to take a plane to get to it." Draco said when he pulled away. You gave a smile.

"But now I can't guess." You said and Draco laughed and kissed you again, pulling you on to him lap. You closed your eyes and kissed him but didn't see Draco keep his eyes open and see the two silhouettes listening in. Draco the pulled you away.

"Your lips are soft; did you know that?" Draco asked. You blushed.

"Draco." You said and giggled. He then pulled you in for another kiss and saw the twins walk off. Draco smiled into the kiss.

'I have to be careful with them.' Draco thought and kissed you move.

'If they fight, it can work in my favor.' Draco thought again as he pulled away and smiled at you.

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