Chapter 12 - Apology.

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Draco sighs as he walks next to you.

"Listen. I'm sorry I was rude to you." He says. You look at him.

"For what time? Calling me a mudblood or just plain being mean?" You ask. You see him look sad.

"I'm sorry for being rude." He says again and you sigh.

"Listen Draco, Fred and George told me what that word meant. Let's just say I will never let you say that again to me." You say as you walk in the class and sit down. Draco sits by you.

"And I won't. I'm just trying to say sorry to you OK. I understand if you don't forgive me." Draco says and looks forward as the teacher walks in. You look at Draco before you look at the teacher. After the bell rings, you wait for Fred and George, but they run by you.

"Sorry (y/n), can't stop!" They yell out and you see a a man chasing them. You laugh and run after them, getting next to them.

"What did you do?" You ask. They smile at you.

"We pulled a prank on Filtch. " George said. You laughed and ran into an empty classroom with them as they turned a corner. Filtch ran right by them. You, Fred and George looked and started to laugh.

"That was awesome!" You said. The twins gave a nod as they laughed.

"Yes, it was. How was your last class?" Fred asks you. You smile and shrug.

"The class was OK, but Draco apologized to me and sat next to me." You said. The twins smile fell, and they looked at each other before looking at you.

"Really?" "That's not like him." George said, then Fred. You gave a nod and looked out the door before you started to walk. they followed and walked next to you.

"I know, it was just weird and well, I almost wanted to say it was OK." You said. The twins laughed a bit.

"Yeah, but you didn't, did you?" George asks. You shook your head.

"No. I..." You stop talking and see Draco looking around. When he sees you, he walks up to you but before he can say anything a Slytherin boy walks up.

"Hey Draco, what are you doing with the mudblood?" He asks and laughs. Draco looks and him and punches him. The guy falls back and holds his bleeding nose.

"Don't you dare call her that Marcus!" Draco yelled. Your mouth dropped, as did Fred's and George's. Draco looked at you as Marcus ran off with a bloody nose.

"Sorry about him, I just wanted to ask if maybe tomorrow we can walk to class. We have potions and a lot of Slytherin's have it. I wanted to make sure they don't call you that." Draco said. You closed your mouth and the twins look at Draco.

"Yet you called her one and now your protecting her. What's your deal Malfoy?" Fred and George said together. Draco gave a small nod.

"I understand that you don't trust me. I will take it as a no." Draco says and turned to leave but you reach and grab his sleeve to stop him. Draco stops and looks at you.

"I never said no Draco but i do want to know why you changed so much." You asked him. Draco gave a nod.

"Well, I got a letter from my father. He said we should try and respect muggleborns. It will take time, but I thought I would start with you." Draco said. You smiled and the twins looked shocked.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Your telling me that Lucius Malfoy told you to be nice to muggleborns?" Fred asked. Draco gave a nod.

"Yep, we now heard the biggest lie ever. Come on (y/n), let's go." George said as he and Fred took an arm and almost dragged you again. You smiled and shook your head and looked at Draco. He smiles and waved as you left and you waved back.

~Draco's POV~

I watched them drag her off and took the letter from my pocket and re-read it.

Dear Draco,

I'm sorry my son but I have a favor to ask you. Find a mudblood with a birth mark on her left wrist that shows a snake bite. Befriend her. Protect her. I will explain once you come home. Do not question me.


I crumb the paper.

'Damn mudblood. This better be worth it father.' I think and walk off. He found Marcus coming out of the infirmary.

"Hey, Marcus!" I call out. Marcus looks at me and looks pissed.

"What do you want blood traitor." He said. I glared and look at him.

"I'm not a blood traitor. I can't explain right now but hear me out OK?" I ask. Marcus looks at me.

"Fine. what?" Marcus asks. I smile and tell him about my father's letter.                   

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