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"Marie I swear to god I will hit you with a pan." Trevor said, attempting to sound intimidating. "Get up."

Marie giggled. "Fine. Make me some hot chocolate at least."

"Trixie is already on it. She knows you better then I do." Trevor smiled. "Oh and it's Mr. Noodles for breakfast."

"I figured." Marie jumped out of bed.

"Morning sunshine." Trixie's hair was hanging in her face as she passed Marie her hot chocolate and bowl of noodles. Marie took them hesiditly. Seems nobody wanted to talk any further about yesterday.

Aaron was in Marie's instrumental music class. Which sucked. She always found herself staring at him. If Aaron caught her he'd probobly just assume she was into him, or maybe not since he's convinced she's a lesbian.

Marie looked away from Aaron and returned her gaze to the conductor, trying to keep up to the speed of "Fur Elise". Watch a coincidence happen and her next music history project be on Beethoven.

"And from the top!" Aaron was such a show off after the conductor said this. Marie tried her best to keep her eyes on her own sheet music, but all she could do was meet Aaron's rather perverse stare.

Damn. He's probobly hornier then Billie Joe. Marie returned to playing her Clarinet, not keeping her eyes off of Aaron.

Fucking fight or flight response. Marie tried not to meet his gaze when the class was actully over, she had introduction to musical theatre next, with a rather nice teacher, the catch was he was strict about what time you got to class.

Marie collected her books and exited the class. She cursed herself, realizing she had taken the long way.

"Well well well." Marie tried to ignore Aaron, who was trying to intimidate her. It wasn't going to work.

"Hey Dyke I'm talking to you!" Marie rolled her eyes but still didn't turn around.

Aaron just wouldn't shut up. "You know Trixie. Your girlfriend? Nice one. If you're not into boobs."

"Aaron shut up!" Marie spat.

Aaron played with her hair.

"Get off of me!" Aaron didn't listen, instead quickly grabbing her chest, letting go before anyone saw.

Marie took off running. She couldn't describe the relif she felt when she made it to her theatre class. The humour from her classmates was nice, Especially Sarah Paul's jokes about desires to do Rocky Horror picture show.

"Marie! Jared! Lets see what you got! From the top!" Marie nodded, as so did Jared.

Taking her place, Marie began to sing the song. Jared joined in, carrying her bridal style around the stage, soon after tossing her in the air. Marie landed clean on her feet, smiling as Jared sang his solo.

Jared took Marie's hand and they both bowed, everyone applauding them.

The director half smiled. "Good good. Marie, nice job on the high notes."

"Doll. You're quiet. What's wrong?" Damnit. Marie was trying sk hard to sound normal, but Billie could read her like nobody else could. Even just from a simple phone call.

Marie sniffled. "No baby I'm fine. Just a little tired is all."

"Doll. I'm not stupid."

"Fine." Before Marie knew it, she was telling him everything.

"HE DID WHAT?" Billie was trying his absolute best to be quiet, since Mike was proposing just outside his bedroom window.

"I wish I was kidding Billie." This time, Marie couldn't hide her tears.

"I'm gonna fucking kill that guy. I don't care if I go to jail." Billie played with his cigarette lighter.

"Billie. Not the answer to this. Besides, I probobly shouldn't have yelled at him."

"No you absolutely should have yelled at that creepy fucker."

"I miss you."

"Just two more days babes."


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