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"Morning mother." Marie took a sip of cream soda. Billie was still in her room, and had fallen asleep again. "Need anything?"

Natasha, sipping from a large glass of water shook her head.

Marie sat on the counter, biting into a fresh green apple. "Still not talking to me huh? Well you're not the only one."

Natasha gave Marie a look that party resembled anger, but also sorrow. The look was following her all the way back to her room.

"Hey doll." Marie smiled when Billie Joe called her by her old nickname. "Awww you're blushing!"

Marie playfully tackled him. "Stop it!"

"Marie? Who are you talking to?" Natasha's sharp voice thrashed itself onto the bedroom door. Marie, now wrapped in Billie's arms, widened her eyes before managing to speak. "Oh nobody just my t.v."

"Well keep it down!" Her words were starting to become slurred.

Marie's lip quivered. "I miss my mom. The old her. I just wanna get away. Run away."

Billie rubbed her back. "Baby do you really mean that?"

"Everyone hates me now. So yeah."

Billie tighted his grip on her. "Doll what are you on about?"

"Trevor and Trixie. They ain't ever gonna forgive me."

"What'd you do?"

"It's not a matter of what it's a matter of who. I fucked Aaron Billie. When I was really drunk at a party and I was just so upset and I don't know it just happened. Worst experince of my life. Never even gave me a chance to say stop."

Billie ran his hand through his black hair. "Oh Doll."

Marie was now unable to stop herself from crying. "Billie I really didn't wanna do it! And now they hate me!"

Billie pulled Marie closer to him, her head now burried in his chest. "Sssh it's okay. It'll work itself out."

Marie sniffled. "You got a little tears on your shirt."

Billie half smiled then kissed her forehead. "Don't worry Marie. Had alot of worse shit on it that I managed to wash out." Billie winked and then laughed softly, earning himself a smile from Marie.

"So. You two again huh?" Trè observed the happy couple walking together with their arms linked.

"Sorry Trè." Mike said with a smirk. "Seems you're the only single guy."

"Fuck off Mike. And for your information I've got line ups of ladies wanting to get all up in this!"

"Oh really? Seems your dating pool is kinda a desert." Marie said and Billie held up his hand for a high five. Marie high fived him and smirked, Trè rolling his eyes.

"If you're so confident Trè." Marie pursed her lips as they entered the record shop. "Ask that women over there out on a date."

"The cashier? Dude no." Trè said frantically.

"Don't be nervous."

"No I'm serious I can't."

The women walked over to them, instantly looking at Marie. "What's up Joan Jett?"


"We were just leaving actully." Marie grabbed the door. "Cmon troublemakers."

"Yes ma'm." Trè rolled his eyes and followed the rest of them out the door.

"Damnit." Marie said under her breath. Although it wasn't completly her fault. "Let's just go get lunch now okay?"

Stay The Night ||Billie Joe Armstrong (Those damn Rock N Roll Boys#1) {complete}Where stories live. Discover now