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"Damn. I haven't been to a frat party in forever." Marie said, slipping on a tight red dress.

"I never thought you'd wanna go to another one." Trevor said, passing Marie a bottle of perfume. "Try not to sleep with anyone okay?"

"You're funny Trevie. Or maybe you're just jelous of my sex appeal."


"Later Trevie!" Marie made her way out the door, and drove to tje frat house. It was full of all differnt types of drunks. Mostly angry drunks though.

Marie joined them. A few shots of Vodka later she was already too drunk to function. A few more and her ability to make good choices was gone.

She knew she looked hot enough to satisfy anyone at this party tonight. The oos and ahhs were exhilarating.

"So baby we meet again." A low gruff voice said.

Marie turned around. "Aaron what the fuck do you want from me?! I'm not your baby!" Marie slurred and attempted to stand up, however falling down after.

"Baby are you drunk? Not so innocent huh?" Aaron purred, tucking a stray hair behind Marie's ear.

"I'm not a little girl anymore! I'm almost 20 years old! I can do what I want!"

Bored of Marie's coming of age rant, Aaron spoke up. "Well why don't I come to your place?"

Marie looked at him confused as Aaron took her by the hand

"Just be quiet okay? My roommates are asleep." Marie collapsed on her bed, Aaron instantly crawling on top of her, his hand gripping at her belt.


Even though Marie was quite drunk by now, she still knew what was happing.

"I don't wanna do this Aaron! It's too soon!" Marie begged, however nothing changed. Soon, Marie couldn't hold back her tears. The emotional and physical pain was too much. Billie never did it like this.

Fuck why am I thinking about my ex boyfriend?

"Go to sleep baby." Aaron kissed Marie's forehead.

Stay The Night ||Billie Joe Armstrong (Those damn Rock N Roll Boys#1) {complete}Where stories live. Discover now