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"Billie Joe. Joan Jett." The women causally said, fixing some posters in the window.

"Oh hey Molly. Cmon Marie lets go." Bille took an agreeing Marie by the hand.

"Well THAT was unexpected." Billie said. "Jesus I was trying not to panic."

"Hey well at least we didn't get in any shit. Never met someone who would be as cool with it as Molly was. I'll admit, not bad looking either. I'd do her if I wasn't straight."

"Marie!" Billie of course couldn't help but laugh at this.

"Oh am I not allowed to say that?"

"You're such a peice of work sometimes. Wipe that smirk off your face."

"Make me!"

"I'll tickle you!"


"You're so adorable."

Marie crossed her arms like a little kid. "No!"

"You remind me way too much of Trè sometimes." Billie placed a cigerette in her mouth.

"Thanks babe. Anyways shouldn't we be heading back? It's getting kinda late."

Billie threw his arm around her. "Well I was thinking we could...I don't know."

"First of all we have to get ice cream. Second of all, you need to sneak me into that bar. Third of all, we have to go to the haunted house."

"It's not even Halloween. We went to one and you were terrified. Remember the house of Frankenstein? I was loosing feeling in my hand you were holding it so tight."

"Cmon Billie! It's a real haunted house!"

"Fine. But ice cream first, right?"


"You're 19 years old you're old enough. Besides, you're 5'5. You look close enough to 21."

"Wait." Marie said with concern. "We aren't supposed to drink."

"Gotta admit, I forget about the whole sobering up thing too."

"Damn, this is harder then I imagined."

"I could give up anytning if I really tried. Anytning except you. Don't even try to hide your face Marie I can see you blushing."

Marie smiled sweetly. "You're so cheesy."

Billie kissed her cheek. "Seems to work though, doesn't it?"

Marie kissed his lips. "Yeah it does. Since we can't go to the bar, I guess haunted house it is."

"I wonder how long its been since someone has lived here. Judging by the piles of dust on a single chair it's gotta be around one hundred years. California is full of mysteries." Marie searched through a picture book she found on the kitchen table.

Billie sat her on his lap. "They look so happy."

"Yeah. Looks can be deceiving. This motherfucker killed everyone in this picture." Marie wanted to comment more, but her vocal chords were shut off it seemed, glass suddenly shattered everywhere.

Billie kissed her neck. "We should get out of here yknow."

"How are you so calm about this?"

"Ain't my first rodeo, doll. Now cmon before you get yourself seriously freaked out."

"Yeehaw." Marie stood up and closed the book.

Stay The Night ||Billie Joe Armstrong (Those damn Rock N Roll Boys#1) {complete}Where stories live. Discover now