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"Ugh this solo is so hard. I can't decide what song I wanna do. And it's due next week!" Marie put her face in her hands. "I just wish Billie were here!"

"Marie relax!" Trevor started. "I know the perfect song for you."

"Trev you're my fucking hero."

"Sweet Child O Mine. You a guns fan?"

"Hell yeah I am!" Marie said this a little too loud, the grumpy old librarian aggressively shushing her.

"Anways." Trevor continued. "I took that class last year. And I crushed that assignment with Sweet Child O Mine. You know how I did it?" Trevor, for one split second, looked away from her and towards a man sitting at the next table. "You really gotta make the song personal."

Marie looked up at the ceiling. Billie was cuddled up to her, kissing her cheek a few times. Marie smiled. Kissing his lips as Billie rubbed his thumb along her cheek.

"Marie." Billie kissed her a few more times.


"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Marie smiled at the memory. Marie agreed with Trevor that it was the perfect song to sing.

Trevor smiled. "I sitll have the sheet music actully." He looked depressed.

"Trev I can sing a differnt song." Marie tried to reason with him but Trevor shook his head, handing her sheet music, inconvenienced by the mild coffee stain on the corner.

Trevor noticed her looking at it. "Sorry."

"Ain't no issue. I can still read it. Besides, I've been singing this song my whole life."

Trevor nodded. "Me too."

Before Marie could respond, Trixie approached them excitedly. "Did you miss me?!"

Marie laughed to herself. "Well it was pretty quiet around here. What's that book you got anyways?"


Trevor, trying to seem..tough or rather protective raised his one eyebrow. "But you'll get nightmares from a book like that."

Trixie opened the book. "I'm nineteen years old Trev. I think I can handle a fake killer clown."

"Cmon Trev." Trixie smiled as Marie took her side. "It's a really good book. Besides, it'll keep her from buggin ya all the time."

Trixie flipped her braids and looked down at the book, the bell ringing soon after.

"Well so much for that!" Trixie frowned. "I didn't even get to read a death scene yet!"

Marie rolled her eyes. "Your priorities worry me."

Marie doodled her way through her music history class. It was one of the most important classes, however it was also the most boring.

Quietly singing "Longview" to herself, Marie finally cracked down and started her report on Mozart. She had limited focus ability, her anxiety was giving her the message that something was wrong with Trevor, all becuase of sheet music. He almsot didn't want to let it go. The only thing she knew for sure was his experiences with homophohia.

"I go by many names. Trev, Trevor, gay Trevor, faggot, fairy,fruitfly. I respond to all of them at this point."

Marie shook the memory from her mind. Marie sighed realizing she only had one paragraph comeplete. "Well I guess I know how I'm spending my night." Marie grumbled as she grabbed her paper.

"Thanks for waiting guys." Marie smiled as she spoke with her friends.

Trevor slung his arm around her. "Ain't an issue kiddo."

Marie fake pouted. "I'm an adult."

Trevor light a cigerette. "Yeah but you're younger then me."

"By one fucking year! Haha."

"You'll get used to this don't worry." Trixie joked.

"Hey faggot." Marie instantly recognised who was speaking. She didn't know him, but he was the guy Trevor was staring at in the library. "Oh the dykes are here too."

Marie's facial expression turned dark. "What did you say?"

The other boy, who was almost six feet, looking about twenty or twenty one, crossed his arms over his chest. "What are you gonna do about it?"

"Leave them alone! Or it won't be pretty!" Trevor was attempting to stop Marie, her five foot five self wouldn't make any of a difference.

"Just fuck off Aaron!" Trixie spat.

"Just stay away from my girlfriend." The bully now had a name, Aaron.

Back at the dorm, Marie set her pencil down. Her report was almost 90% finished and it was only ten at night. That's impressive.

Both Trevor and Trixie were still unwilling to talk about what happend with Aaron.

Trixie spoke after stuffing her face with McDonalds fries. "I'd hoped Aaron would have given up by now." Trixie and Marie watched Trevor as he stormed off at the mention of the incident.

"Who the fuck was that anyways?" Marie took another bite of her Big Mac.

"Aaron. He's always harassed Trev and I." Trixie shrugged. "I guess I'm guilty of sodomy because of association with a homosexual. At least that's how it is in Aaron's mind. Now he'll be after you too."

"I figured."

"If you don't wanna hang out with us anymore, I understand."

"Trix I'm not leaving your side. Or Trevor's. Besides, You two, Trè and Mike are the only friends I've ever had in my eighteen years of living. I can handle this. You think people wern't ever mean to me?"

Stay The Night ||Billie Joe Armstrong (Those damn Rock N Roll Boys#1) {complete}Where stories live. Discover now