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Marie sat next to Billie on the curb. "City is pretty dead tonight huh?" Marie observed, sipping her salted caramel milkshake.

"I could get used to it though. Always somethin going on in California." Billie stated plainly.

Marie popped a peice of candy in her mouth. "I'm just glad 7-11 is open all the time. I still remember when I snuck out. And all we did was eat 7 11 food and makeout."

"Was it still worth it though?"

"Oh one hundred percent."

Walking hand in hand, Marie and Billie made their way back to his car. Marie, carefully checking her makeup before kissing him.

"Just making sure my lip gloss isn't running. Don't wanna look like a fucking vampire." Marie propped her feet on the dasbored. "You can have the time of your life out her yknow?"

Billie nodded. "The sunset is almsot as pretty."

"You're so fucking cheesy you know that?"

"Yeah I'll admit it."

Trixie was left home that night. Trè and Trevor were there too, but since they were in the middle of a very tense game of monopoly, she chose to leave them alone. Trixie had trouble keeping her eyes off Trè. He was cute...well he was hot..no lets stick with cute shall we? And she probobly would have slept with him if it wasn't for her past, or her emabrssement about her virginity.

"Ha! I win!" Trevor announced, Trè looking like he was about to flip the table.

"Cmon Trè its just a game." Trixie looked up at him from her book one more time.

"Billie Joe would be worse if he lost this fuckin game. Oh speak of the devil there he is."

Marie linked arms with Billie, both of them smiling.

Marie sat next to Trixie. "That book scarin ya yet?"

Trixie shook her head. "I'm scarier than pennywise is by a mile."

This ended the conversation between the two girls. Billie, Trè and Trevor were now battling at monopoly.

"Hopefully he didn't bring an AK-47." Trè said causally, placing some money in the middle of the bored. "Hey! Billie stop taking my money!"

"Play nice boys." Marie said as she passed them to enter the kitchen.

Trixie had followed her in. "Marie?"

Marie looked over to her. "You want a drink of anytnin'?"

"No thanks." Trixie said quietly. "Just wanna talk about something. It's kinda personal."

"Don't worry, those troublemakers won't hear nothin. Too busy making stripper jokes."

"Leave it to Trè to bring monopoly money to a strip club."

"Sssh if they're listening you shouldn't give em' any ideas. Now what did you wanna talk to me about?"

"What was your...first time like?"

"My first time doing what? Having sex? Rock climbing? Riding a mechanical bull? Done all three yknow."

"While I am interested in the rock climbling and bull riding, I was talking about sex."

"May I ask why you're asking?"

"I think Trè wants to do it with me. We ended up kissing, which turned into making out, which turned into...other stuff...but I just freaked out and said I couldn't sleep with him because I was in a celiciby cult."

"I know its scary. Honestly for me it just sorta happend. Don't wanna give too many gory details butttt I met Billie at his show in my dad's bar, we hit it off, took him on a bit of a San Francisco road trip, and just did it."


Billie, Trè, and Trevor all turned towards them.

"Go back to your game boys." Marie took a swig of alcohol, lowering her voice. "The key is to not think about it too much."

Trixie walked into the room again. "Trè?"

Stay The Night ||Billie Joe Armstrong (Those damn Rock N Roll Boys#1) {complete}Where stories live. Discover now