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"Mom!" Marie ran into her mother's arms. "It's so good to see you."

"You too honey." Natasha replied with a smile, eyeing her daughters black dress.

"Yeah I just bought it." Marie slung her purse over her shoulder.

"Why don't you go see that father of yours? I'll make you some tea."

Marie put a hand on Natasha's shoulder. "How's dad?"

Natasha sighed. "Not great honey. He's been asking about you too. Wanting to see you."

"Dad." Marie had to repeat herself a few times before Arnold could hear her. When he did, he instantly perked up.

"How's my sweet child?" Arnold smiled, holding his hand out for Marie. His grip was weak, his voice raspy and he was bald. He truly didn't have alot of time left. "And how are things with that crazy punk rocker of yours?"

"I ended things with him. I'm so sorry for not telling you. It just pained me to talk about it." Tears welling up in her eyes, Marie held onto her father's hand tighter.

"Are you crying Marie?"

Marie shook her head. "No dad I'm fine. I'm over it."

Sitting down on the bed, Marie went silent.

"I gotta use the bathroom."

Looking at her pale skin in the mirror, Marie let the tears fall. She put her hand over her mouth to keep herself quiet, the last thing she needed was to be heard crying. Dropping to her knees, she let it all out, being sure to mumble "Billie Joe. I miss you. Still."

Stay The Night ||Billie Joe Armstrong (Those damn Rock N Roll Boys#1) {complete}Where stories live. Discover now