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Lance was shoved into a dark room. The door slammed behind him, and clicked.


Lance pounded on what he assumed was the door in the dark.

"Let me out!" He shouted.

Lance ran his hands along the wall until he found a switch. He flipped it, and light flooded the room.

The walls were a deep red, almost dim velvet.

There was a king sized bed with a canopy of blue silk above it. It was covered in fluffy blankets and pillows in a darker shade of blue. Across from the bed was a fireplace glowing with a bright fuchsia fire. Above the mantle was a painting of an unknown planet. There was a black crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

Where am I? Lance thought.

Lance felt the bed's soft sheets. He carefully and cautiously laid down.

Lance started to tear up quietly.

He didn't know where he was. Who took him. If he would ever go home again...

Before he knew it, Lance had sobbed himself to sleep.


Lotor walked down the halls of his ship to his "Soulmates"' room.

This was it. He was formally going to meet the person he's meant to share his life with.

Lotor was about to enter when he heard a sound. A sound he knew all too well.

Lotor decided to knock softly. "Darling?" he called. "May I please come in?"

The sobbing ceased.

"Wh-Who are you?" his soulmate cried. "What do you want with me?!"

"Please let me come in, I will explain everything. I promise."


Lotor slowly opened the door. He finally got a good look at his future lover.

And my god he was beautiful!

He had soft Caramel skin, dark chocolate hair, and bright blue eyes. His lips looked as if cotton candy had been smeared on them, and god he couldn't wait to-

You're getting ahead of yourself, Lotor. Lotor thought.

Lotor tried to sit next to his soulmate on the bed, but his soulmate scooted far away from him.

"Who are you? And what do you want from me?" his soulmate asked, glaring slightly.

"I am Prince Lotor of the Galra empire," Lotor said. "And I have been searching for you for a very long time."

"But why me?" he asked. "There's nothing important about me! Just let me-"

Lotor grabbed his flailing arms and slowly brought them down to his lap. Lotor pushed up the bracelet and looked at the boy's soulmark. He traced his fingers over it.

Lotor let go and pulled up his sleeve...


"That...That's my name...." Lance gasped.

"And that is mine," Prince Lotor said, pointing to Lance's wrist.

"Y-Your my...but that's're not..." Lance couldn't comprehend what just happened.

He just met his soulmate...but why like this?

Otherworldly (Lancelot soulmate au)Where stories live. Discover now