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Lance lay with Lotor in bed. Lotor and Lance hugged each other much tighter than normal. They didn't want to lose each other. They felt as if they let go for a single moment, it would all vanish yet again.

"We have to get to the bridge Lotor," Lance mumbled, unsure of himself.

"No." Lotor held Lance tighter. "I don't wanna."

Lance chuckled. "C'mon, we can't hide from the world forever..."

Lotor let out a sigh. "I want to."

"You're being silly-"

"No really, I want to."


"I want to stay like this forever. Just you, and me. Forgetting the world, lost in each others hold..."

"What are you saying?"

"Lance, marry me."



"Marry me. Let it be us against the world forever..." Lance dug in his pocket and pulled out a golden band.

"Yes...." Lance had tears in his eyes. "Y-Yes!" he was sobbing in joy.

Lotor brought Lance's lips to his.

"I'm ready for this..." Lance said. "I'm ready to become yours, forvever..."


Lance and Lotor(finally)entered the bridge. Lance was smiling like a child.

"Why are you so happy Lance?" Acxa smirked playfully but curious.

Lance held up his hand revealing the ring.

All jaws dropped.

"NO FLIPPING WAY!!!" Ezor screamed and ran to Lance.

"Lotor you proposed?!" Acxa gasped.

Narti nodded in approval.

(Oh right she exists)

Zethrid squealed-like, actually squealed!

"We're getting married!" Lance cheered. He gasped. "Can we have the wedding on Earth?"

"If only I wasn't now notorious there...." Lotor said.

"Oh! Right ..." Lance said.

"We can discuss the details later. In the meantime, we must find a way to defeat Voltron once and for all."

"Wait! Can we please spare Hunk! He's my best friend and he's on team Voltron! Plus he helped me escape!"

"Of course darling."

Suddenly, the ship shook like an earthquake...

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