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Lance laid alone on the bed. Lotor had left an hour later.

Lance still couldn't comprehend what had just happened.

"But...but you just hurt people! How could my soulmate be someone so cruel?!" Lance shouted.

"If I may clarify, it was never my intention to hurt anyone, nor did I." Lotor said. "If anyone was hurt, it was the work of my generals disobeying orders."

"Still! You just straight up kidnapped me! Took me from my home!"

"But I wanted to meet you-"

"That's not how your supposed to meet your soulmate!" Lance stood up. "You're supposed to meet your soulmate online! Or on the streets! Or anyway but this way! It's supposed to be a moment filled with joy and happiness! Not this!"

Lance turned away from Lotor.

He heard Lotor stand up behind him.

"I will give you some space, I am sorry for upsetting you." Lotor said as he exited the room.

Lance started to tear up. This isn't what he wanted. He imagined landing his spaceship somewhere on an alien planet, and finding his soulmate alone in a field somewhere. He would run to them, sweep them up in his arms...

Not this. Not being held captive in a mysterious ship by a scary prince.

"Why..." Lance sobbed breathlessly. "Why did it have to be this way?"


"Why did it have to be this way?"

Lotor cringed at the sound. His soulmate was upset--no, devastated--and it was all his fault.

Lotor shuffled back to the bridge.

"Well, how'd it go sir?" Ezor asked happily.

"He...I don't think he likes me." Lotor said.

Axca stood up. "How dare he! Lemme at him-"

Narti held Acxa by her collar so she couldn't go murder Lance.

"No, he has a valid reason..." Lotor slumped in his chair.

"What do you mean?" Zethrid bellowed.

"I shouldn't have just up and taken him without his consent. Now he is confused and upset. Mostly with me. 'm a disappointing soulmate." Lotor put his head in his hands.

No, I can't cry, Lotor scolded himself.

"Maybe we should like, show him around the ship? We can't keep him locked up forever!"

Acxa said.

"Yes, that would be a good idea." Lotor sat up and wiped his eyes a little. "Perhaps explain our race and where we are too."

"Well the, go on!" Zethrid patted Lotor's back.

"No, he needs some space." Lotor said.

"Oh! Oh! Can I do it? PLEEEEASE?!" Ezor bounced up and down.

Lotor chuckled softly. "Yes Ezor, you may. I would imagine he would feel welcome around you,"

"Unlike me," Lotor mumbled.

"Hey don't say that!" Acxa and Narti came up to him(Although Narti said nothing).

"He'll warm up to you!"

"I hope so...I can only hope."

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